Over 500 games of arcade this week - ZERO wins

I can smell an excuse of the likes “I can add you, but not on this account” sounding more like “I could add you, but I won’t”.

It’s up to you really now. I do not have access to your btag on supposedly “other account”.

I’m going to give you this an A+ despite the original post. Overwatch’s matchmaker needs some serious work because it doesn’t do much as it is right now to prevent one-sided games from occuring too often. That being said nothing is perfect, so there will always be a form of it no matter what. But I significantly doubt you can remotely lose this many games and not have at least 1 Win, unless you periodically throw or leave games before the end where things can be reversed.

And it’s arcade for a reason.

Anyways, happy Easter folks.

Made it almost to 1,000. Starting over this week. Already at 30.

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Even if your generous and split it over 7 days it would be just under 12 hours a day playing OW and always getting a match 10 minutes or less with no que times.

The vast majority of my games are under five minutes. That’s how unbalanced the matchmaker is.

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Archives and Junkenstein were in Arcade during that time. You couldn’t even win Archives or Junkenstein on Normal?


Nope, can’t even win those. Never even gotten close.

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The fact that 6 of the 12 people always win proves this is false.

You are literally lying. I can login and win several games of Mystery Heroes in a 2 hour time span.

Well duh, I"m talking about me not other people.

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I know your post with 100% toll but at least try to be funny about them next time.

Where is Jeff with his fact bombs to prove these post as all made up when we need him.

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You can observe my games anytime you like to see that I’m telling the truth. The fact that you judge without watching them tells me all I need to know.

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Man you lose a lot of games in a lot of modes

Yes, even if he’s winning games, captured on stream, he still loses. Incredible! :smirk:

Arcade is kind of a cesspool of players just not trying at all and Blizzard deciding to mash bronze & top 500 players into the same match on opposite teams in order to avoid long queue times.

I think I lost like 20 straight quick play classic games last night as a result of this. I really like the mode quick play classic for when I want to chill and play Overwatch, so that I can try hard but not stress over losing SR. But I end up getting even MORE stressed and frustrated than when I lose in ranked, because at least in ranked people are trying. I get so frustrated when my teammates are just trolling around and not even try to win because “it’s just quickplay bro”

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Now at over 200 for this week. Bet I can beat last week by at least 100.

i gotta wonder why out of all the people we flag on the forums
we haven’t flagged this guy to hell yet

Oh we have. We have.

They get restored every time for some reason.

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I, for one, believe @Ethernyet. As they say, no luck in games, lucky in love… and this man could use some luck in game. :stuck_out_tongue:

You really really need to get with Cuthbert and Rigged and between this and their 50% nonsense, create the Infinite Black Hole of Imbecility that swallows this galaxy and end our suffering.

tyhere is always one way to end our suffering
its a smol little flag button