Finally did it - over 1000 and counting

Over 1000 games of arcade in the past three weeks and ZERO wins. It was NEVER even close. My side didn’t even exist, the other side just walked from point to point, never even needing to fire a shot. We just all laid down and died on our own.


I’ve fallen for this before. Sorry, not again.


how you gonna claim your win/loss ratio is worse than the inaugural season’s SHD

come back and try again when you’re ready op

I am not sure I could lose 1000 straight even if I hard threw.


Yeah eventually, if nothing else, you’ll just meet a team who has one more hard thrower than your team does.


All games streamed. See for yourself. Behold the blizzard matchmaking system doing the only thing it knows how to do – ensure 100% of every game is an absolute and utter stomp.

Link pls.


To whom much is given, much is tested

Wow was the first mmo.

Send video or get flaged

Bad bait.

You’re not even trying at this point.


Hey, it’s this guy again. i’m tempted to report, but this is honestly amusing.

I’ll say it again anyway. Lose enough games in any team-based arcade mode and you’ll win eventually even if you afk in spawn. That’s how random chance works.


X to Doubt.

Im sorry, but this is bullhonky


A thousand?!?!?!? I highly doubt.

If you had said something you lost something like 50+ games in a row, then it would’ve been believable.

But thousand? No frickin’ way. If you even jumped and danced around your spawn room, it would still be impossible to lose 1000 matches in a row.

Bad bait is bad…

Don’t believe if that’s what you prefer. I can’t post video links because I’ll get banned for “self promotion”. But I’m not a streamer or whatever, I only record these things to provide proof. And I’ve been doing it every week since launch. I can’t tell you what their bug is, but I can tell you without question they have one. Without fail, every arcade game I play is a complete and utter stomp with ZERO chance of even doing damage to the other team, much less actually getting a kill. The two sides are ALWAYS so ill-matched it’s tragic. This is Blizzard’s multi-player legacy.

This fruit is hanging so low, its practically buried in the dirt


The amount of effort it would take to constantly distract and sabotage your own teammates to force a loss every match would be more difficult than actually winning. :joy:


This type of post means almost next to nothing without some type of data accumulation spreadsheet.

I mean, even that you can fudge, but at least there’d be more effort than just saying you’d played 1,000 games without a single win.

If you’re expecting everyone on the internet to take your word for it… Terrible Bait.

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This is either terrible bait, or you are without a doubt the worst overwatch player that could have ever been conceived.

I’m very sorry you’ve fallen victim to this heinous deceit.