New arcade record -- 608 games and ZERO loot boxes

Played almost 24/7 since a week ago. Still hoping to get a loot box by tonight.

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So you spent a third of your week (If my math is correct) playing a game that you aren’t good at and I’m willing to bet don’t enjoy?


Seriously, I’m pretty sure even active throwers have winrates somewhere in the 30% range.


Correct. Streamed proof this game is utterly broken.

Not to mention, their profile says they (currently) have 2375 games won. They are only a couple hundred levels above me and I only have 1699 games won.


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i mean you’ve spent 70hrs playing arcade
you’ve leveled up at least 46 times
if you don’t enjoy arcade give up the extra 3 and just play qp :woman_shrugging:

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Let’s see (also for everyone else finding this thread and can’t be bothered calculating it): if we take 8 minutes for the average game (queue times, hero selection and primary survival needs (food, toilet) included) then that’s
608 * 8 = 4864 minutes = ± 81 hours.

A week contains 7 * 24 = 168 hours.

So yeah, a third of a week.

Conclusion? OP is full of bs. Especially considering that the matchmaking will put the odds so much in your favor eventually that you can win by literally afk’ing. That is, unless OP is actively trying to lose by only playing 1v1 and going afk, but what reason do you have to complain then?


Cool! :smiley:
At least you’re having fun, right?
I mean I hope, otherwise it would be madness! :open_mouth:
Plus hey, you got lootbox from levelling up anyway… :wink:

And oh, if you feel you are so bad (quite possible with a SR 937) but you really want to win, don’t FFA, do team death match or another team based game… so your team can carry! :stuck_out_tongue: