Over 100 games of comp this week - ZERO wins

So much for your “forced” 50% theory…


your profile indicates you have 34 games played with the diff being 19/15…what are you on about?


Then the profile is completely and utterly lying to you. I just played 15 games across 10 accounts and won ZERO placements.


play times are still the same as 2 days ago


Stop the cap! Stop the cap =]

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Ahh it’s time for the monthly Ethernyet thread about how they’ve never won a game, the forums never truly change


Ah welcome from gen discuss, on comp forums it’s a daily thing lately :sun_with_face:

Lmao I didn’t even realise just looked at the hot topics :joy:

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15/10 = 1.5 games per acct (avg) so, if you lost 15 games on 10 accounts that literally requires you to actively throw…

you played on an acct for more than 1.5 games which doesnt need to happen since you could play 1 full game, then leave halfway through the next and jump onto another acct, your claim is statistically false, type 2 error (false-negative).

now, lets say you did play more than 1.5 games on some accounts, as it couldnt possibly happen to all of them. you represent 1/6 which is 16.67% of the team value. If you play below 16.67% then your odds of winning decrease.

even pro teams (in any league) have losing streaks, IT HAPPENS. ive seen shadder2k go 1-15 during a stream (when he did stream ow) ive also watched other big name players go on epic losing streaks as well…the difference, is that they are providing AT LEAST 16.67% of value to their team…sometimes the other team just has better coordination or a better comp to counter…

OW is a game of chess, making the best moves, or making a sacrifice move to set up a larger play is part of the game. ie: swapping genji who has blade to a counter due to enemy teams dive comp. some people will do that, some people wont, it boils down to teamwork in a team game, and if you refuse to play as part of a team, you will not win at all.


You should absolutely not do this…

Overwatch is not a game of chess. Not in any way.

One is played in real time whereas the other is turn based.

Have you tried playing better?


you are entitled to an opinion, doesnt mean it is correct


it is, because when you die, your turn is over, you have 2 choices, continue with your char, or make a swap…


As I’ve told people a million times, I don’t post from the accounts I play on.

Most people have winning streaks too, but I NEVER have those. In fact, I’ve never even won TWO games in a row. But I’ve sure as hell LOST hundreds in a row, many times.

if you arent willing to post for reviews, then stop asking for help and making all these threads.


First of all, you’re lying about your 0 out of 100 wins

Secondly, nobody ever said you get a forced 50% win rate, the devs said the matchmaker does its best to create an even match. You just happen to fall around 50% if you’re at the rank you belong at. I’ve gone +1500SR without a single loss multiple times on smurf accts and I’m only a diamond/low masters player. I’ve also gone +2000SR with only a handful of losses.


I did post games for review. Using their in-game codes. That’s the only way I’ve been able to post videos for review and not get banned.

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That’s impossible!

The game forces you to lose. My friend’s cousin’s next-door neighbor said so!

Also you can’t be Diamond. That’s impossible.

The game will force you to lose in Bronze, Silver, & Gold.

Because it wants you to keep stomping low rankers forever. :grin: