It’s simply impossible to win a game. Blizzard matchmaking is designed to do one thing and one thing only – ensure I NEVER get a fair match, I NEVER have an actual chance to win.
It’s simply impossible to lose a game. Blizzard matchmaking is designed to do one thing and one thing only – ensure I NEVER get a fair match, I NEVER have an actual chance to lose.
It’s simply impossible to play the game. Blizzard matchmaking is designed to do one thing and one thing only – ensure I NEVER get into a match, I NEVER have an actual chance to play.
The replies certainly make me believe you can’t judge the group intelligence by the average IQ.
The first reply is 220 IQ, while the OP shown he has 0 iq.
I have proof, I’ve recorded and streamed every single game for over FOUR years, but Blizzard still does nothing to address their TERRIBLE matchmaking. Therefore the only logical conclusion is that they’ve centered their ENTIRE matchmaking algorithm based upon my existence in the match.
Thread OP is complaining about “Sym is OP in Bronze”.
Anyone under gold represent the bottom 30% of player skill. They really shouldn’t be giving feedback about game balance. Game developers should be getting feedback from players who are physically or mentally handicapped.
WRONG. They should provide a separate matchmaking system for those of us at the ZERO percent level of play. They can learn more from us than from the top 500 players.
I never said they should balance the game FOR YOU based upon the needs of bronze players. But they definitely should balance bronze for bronze players. We paid money too.
LoL and I never said I wasn’t a bad player. Where on earth did you get that from anything I said? I’ve stated repeatedly that I’m literally the worst player on Earth. That puts me in a unique position to see blizzard’s matchmaking flaws. They should be EAGER to learn from me.
What do you think game devs can learn from watching your game?
Bad aim?
Bad game sense?
Bad positioning?
Bad teamwork?
Bad attitude?
Bad ability usage?
Bad ult management?
Bad hero picks?
Please let me know what makes your game worth watching?
I’ve seen smaller disasters while searching for hurricane videos on YouTube.
They can learn how to make a game that’s fun for bronze players.
I hope they ban you from the forums for being such a mean person. But then again, people like you never seem to get disciplined…
1st world baby problems, everything must be sugar coated, politically correct. blaming everything else but urself. feels like even if u go into training session and getting pwned by easy bots and will still blame blizzard…
imagine a 40 year old guy like me can reach plat with dps and healer, tank at gold (my tank is trash)… what makes of u? and i din even blame blizz for losing comp games, especially after 222
This season I’ve yet to lose a game as DPS across 2 accounts with about 3 hours on the role. I’ve lost 2 games as Tank with about 6 hours, and I’ve lost 1 game as Support with just under an hour.
I’ve been climbing to Masters pretty much effortlessly, with only a couple of speed bumps along the way. It’s been nearly a year since the last time I was in Masters after I stopped playing seriously, and as soon as Role Queue comes out, and as soon as I begin taking it seriously and trying to improve, what do you know, I climb.
You know how you get better? Improve. You know how you win? Play better.
That’s great that you guys aren’t losing, but that’s only because you’ve not been grouped with me. Go ahead, group with me – and you’ll lose EVERY game by a LARGE margin.
And I still disagree, there’s nothing wrong in asking for a FAIR match, where I actually have a fair chance to win. You keep ATTACKING me as stupid or completely worthless as a human being, but that’s on you. I’m just asking for fairness and you can’t take it. That’s clinically weird.
I wonder why there would be such a drastic change just by having you join. Is it because there’s a global conspiracy to keep you specifically down? Or, is it just possibly, because you’re disproportionately bad and your stubborn belief that you’re the victim creates an ironic self-fulfilling prophecy where you lose due to believing that you will?
Probably the former, Blizzard hates you dude you called it. RIP, only so much you can’t do, literally can’t carry harder. GG better luck next time.
how was it “not FAIR” when there are no gm enemies in your game?
how was it “not FAIR” when everyone in your game is the same rank as yours?
how was losing to enemies the same rank as you “NOT FAIR”?
instead of complaining blizzard making the game “NOT FAIR”, why not u just carry the game?
4k enemies without dying
stop going in alone
stop dueling your hard counters
stop going into corners healers can’t heal
stop playing genji against mei, moira, brig, sym
if that really is the case just quit then lols
csgo is f2p now, maybe valve don’t have a grudge for u
if that really is the case just quit then lols
Yes, if you are THAT bad.
you are making another 5 innocent players (your teammates) lose without a chance to win.
Please quit the game and stop ruining other player’s chances to win.
The 5 of the bought the game too.
Wow, you guys are hilarious. Yes, it’s ALL me. I have the power to make 5 other people play poorly. I have the power to put god-like pro-level skilled players on the other team, and the power to make them SUPER-COORDINATED. I have the power to make my team VERY uncoordinated. I have the power to ensure this happens EVERY SINGLE GAME FOR OVER FOUR YEARS. Yes, that’s ALL me.
What is the only similarity of all these games?
Hint: you