Prefer Yeti queue is still broken

Edit: Pulling this up to the top. I have played Yeti Hunter 20 35 41 times since the event started, always queueing “Prefer Yeti” and always staying until the match ends, and I have yet to get a Yeti match. I will update if/when I ever get to play Yeti. I was planning to keep trying every day, but I got tired of it. I’ve given up on Yeti Hunt entirely. Never got to play Yeti.

Also, I’m playing on PS4. In case it’s platform-related.

The “Prefer Yeti” queue has been broken for me every time Yeti Hunter has been available as a mode since at least Anniversary 2019. (Edit: I actually found another bug report from Dec 2018 where players in the replies report queueing for large numbers of games and never getting Yeti, or confirming with lobby-mates that everyone else in the lobby had queued Hunter but they still didn’t get to play Yeti. The bug didn’t noticeably affect me until 2019, but it seems it may have been there earlier.)

Looking back at the old reports, it seems like it’s gotten worse over the years. I guess that would happen if the Prefer Yeti queue was getting to be more popular, relatively speaking. This behavior persists no matter which account I’m logged into, so it’s not just that my account is cursed. (Or perhaps I’m dreadfully unlucky and all of my accounts are cursed.)

I queue “Prefer Yeti” every single game and have historically been lucky to get a Yeti game once in 10 or 12 games. This year, it’s much worse, presumably because the spray is encouraging more Yeti-queuers. Even if literally everyone was queuing “Prefer Yeti” (which I know isn’t even allowed because groups can only queue “Prefer Hunter”) I should be getting a Yeti game once in 6 games on average. Furthermore, whenever I get a backfill game, the “priority requeue” badge appears on the “Prefer Hunter” queue, not “Prefer Yeti”. So, I’m clearly being placed in the Hunter queue even though I’m selecting Yeti every time. I will often see the same Yeti on the other team multiple times, so the Yeti queue is working for some people at least some of the time. Plus, if literally everyone was forced into Prefer Hunter queue, then I’d also be getting 1/6 Yeti games. The results I’m seeing are only consistent with there being players in the Yeti queue, but I’m unable to access it.

Previously, it was just annoying because I like this mode and want to play Winston. But now, it actually matters because there’s a challenge that’s locked behind actually getting a Yeti game. I’ve noticed an awful lot of Mei players leaving immediately at the beginning of the game mode, which I’m guessing is because they’ve already got their Hunter win and are trying to get a Yeti game. I suppose that makes it a little easier for those who are getting Yeti games to win, which isn’t easy for an inexperienced player, but it’s a pretty frustrating experience. I dunno how a new player who has never played this mode before is gonna get that spray, though, if they’re having this issue. Having to play dozens of games just to get a chance to try it as the Yeti is nuts.

Collecting other reports of this issue too.

How many games until you become hunter? (Says Hunter, but I’m pretty sure they mean Yeti.)


Yeah it’s till broken for me too. Love that a spray is locked behind this.

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I have the same problem, yes

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Which platform are y’all playing on?

The fact I’ve literally cued 100+ (im not exaggerating) for prefer yeti and even if everyone is cued the same. The fact that i have a 1 in 6 chance (lobby is max of 6 players) of being able to get yeti and yet i still havent gotten it in Overwatch 2 yet is ridiculous.

This isnt just a playstation issuw either. Im playing on xbox. It has to be happening on every console. Its isnt just just being unlucky.

The fact Ive done over 100 cues with these odds is more the evidant that its overwatches bugs and issues. Fix this before the event ends overwatch. Please, some of us want to complete these challenges for whatever reasons we have. (Ocd, completist, xp, cool item, ect.)


That’s good to know. It can’t be literally everyone on console, though, because if everyone in the pool was being forced into Prefer Hunter queue, we’d be getting Yeti games 1/6 times. Some players must actually be getting into the Prefer Yeti queue in order for us to be playing dozens and dozens of games without ever getting a Yeti game.

Also, I don’t even care about the spray, I just enjoy playing this mode as the Yeti. I’m hoping this year they might actually have to take the bug report seriously since they foolishly locked a cosmetic behind it.


I am on the Nintendo Switch, seems like its a problem across the board. My guess is that its because there is no Auto Queue for Arcade Anymore. I suspect that if you were auto queueing for Prefer Yeti, the system would take that into account every game you start again, but since every game you have to start over again, the counter for your account starts are zero, so you always have the lowest possible chance to queue for Yeti every game. At least that’s what I think might be happening.


This has been an issue for years, and the auto-queue worked fine in OW1.

Also, it seems to be working just fine for some people. Some players are consistently not able to get Yeti games, and other players are not having an issue at all seems like.

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So far, about 30 games in, queing both as Mei and Yeti. Never got to play Yeti.

I’m on PC.

EDIT: okay, so, I just saw the same player getting a yeti twice in a row. That’s so demoralizing.


I’ve stopped counting after 50. 50!!! Oo

And I know I played a lot after that too.
It defies all statistics! I’m absolutely fed up with this mode. And it was my favorite the previous years.
What have they done with their game?

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I’ve played thirty games and haven’t been selected as the yeti once.


It’s the same bug as in previous years. Some players, for unknown reasons, get forced into Hunter queue despite selecting Prefer Yeti. Used to be that you could still get the occasional Yeti game, when the game couldn’t find a Prefer Yeti player for your lobby and you got the lucky 1/6 roll for Yeti. Maybe it’ll get better later in the event, when many players have already completed the challenge, but for now it’s functionally impossible to be chosen as the Yeti if you were in the Prefer Hunter queue. And some of us just can’t get into the Prefer Yeti queue no matter what we do.

I don’t even want the spray, I just want to eat raw steaks and goomba-stomp some Meis :cry:


They just patched the game, but forgot Yeti hunt…


Yeah I played over 50-70 games across yesterday and this morning and couldn’t get Yeti, I’m on PC so this definitely is a cross platform issue. When I finally got in I started having controller issues and the Mei’s were stomping me and I was REALLY getting infuriated at the prospect of having to requeue another couple hours again, but suddenly the game bugged out and ended abruptly, default giving me the victory despite not having killed ANYBODY, everybody in the match was confused what had just happened but what can you do, system is buggy af. :expressionless:


Same issue. I’m on attempt #44 now and didn’t get Yeti once. PC.


I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game. Didn’t work, so I guess it has nothing to do with the client and more with specific players.


Wanted to post it here: I actually got to play yeti tonight. Three times in more or less 15 games.

I’m not here to gloat, but I tried to do a few things differently and I wanted to share them with anybody encountering the same issue. No idea if they actually worked or if I just got lucky, but here it is:
I never pressed escape while the client was searching for a game. This way, when the game stopped, I was back directly to the screen with “Prefer yeti” and “Prefer hunter”.
Before that, I always got back to the main menu while waiting (an old useless reflex). I’m pretty sure most players just wait without going back to the main menu every time they launch a game. Could it be the source of the problem?

Also, I waited to come back to the menu automatically after each game (not leaving the game by myself once it’s over). I’d be surprised if it had any impact, but that’s also what I was trying when I suddenly started to get the yeti.

I’ve played like 40 games and didn’t get Yeti even once.PC

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same problems, blizzard needs to fix this bug
or make it so after 5 hunter games, you’re guaranteed yeti

edit: finally got yeti 2 games in a row waiting after 60-70 games

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Bumping this. If you’re not gonna fix it in time, at least take the spray reward from the challenge you have to win as Yeti and just give it to everyone.