Yeti hunter prefer Yeti option not working

Whenever I click the “prefer Yeti” option, when it places me in a game the screen reads “Yeti Hunter (Prefer Hunter)”. The prefer Yeti option doesn’t work – it just automatically puts me to prefer hunter.


Please note the “Prefer Yeti” option is NOT a guarantee that you will get the Yeti role. Remember to try to keep playing the game mode over and over as your chances to get the Yeti Role will increase overtime.

Same problem here. It just doesn’t let me play as yeti. Always says “Yeti hunter (prefer hunter)” even if I press “Prefer yeti”

Hey, sorry for the late reply. Anyway, I know it’s not a guarantee, but the “searching” bar also says “Yeti Hunter (Prefer Hunter.)” So it’s basically placing me in a match where everyone prefers hunter (considering that the yeti option doesn’t work,) so who gets to play yeti is basically a game of chance.

Is it only us who have this problem!? I’m so frustrated…

Yeah I think that is a Visual Bug, I have selected Perfer Yeti and get it frequently even though it says “Perfer Hunter”

I can confirm it is not a visual glitch, as everyone in my game including the yeti chose prefer hunter and i, who clicked prefer yeti, did not. I tried restarting my game. It dosent work. Bliz please fix this so i can play my second fav event :slight_smile:

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It’s not. I have played it so many times and have never gotten yeti. At this point, if it was a visual bug, I would have gotten to play yeti but that’s not the case.

It’s Overwatch 2 in the year of 2022 and this bug still exists. What a joke


Yeah its not working for me either been playing for an hour grinding this and still wont get yeti. Even when I pick prefer yeti, it puts me in the priority reque for prefer hunter.

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