After defending Doomfist for the past month

I didnt try to find players who had NO play time on Doomfist.

I simply found threads by players who didn’t main him.

If that’s the goalpost you’re setting up for me that’s fine. I’ll play. Hold my beer- I’ll be off work soon

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Nobody said you couldn’t and I even listed other groups that were loud.

The point of loud isn’t about whether or not a group is in the majority. Loud is honestly often the minority. It’s about it being a noteworthy sample or having particularly popular detractors.

Your last attempt showed them as that. Making a list of threads where you purposefully exclude Doomfist players just shows that such a thing is possible, it doesn’t prove they weren’t loud.

Good point.

Can you prove they were loud?

Jezus Christ, why did everyone start using this saying all of a sudden?

Did some popular guy say it and now everyone is parroting it?

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That would be hard but let’s do this…

I will look for nerf Sombra and look for threads either celebrating the nerf or asking for one. I will exclude private profiles. And we will see how many of them include Doomfist players. I will just go the latest 10 of them. Sound fair?

As before, I will count them as a Doomfist player if they have a lot of playtime as him on either mode or only a little but was used in both QP and Comp. If they only have a little in QP (not top 6 most played) and no time in comp, I won’t count them as one. Sounds fair?

And just to add what I’m saying, i will make note if a non-Doomfist player plays one of the other heroes were loud by the same metric.

  1. Doomfist Player
    Sombra EMP/Hack needs mini nerf

  2. Not a Doomfist player or counter I listed (Rein, Hog, Junkrat)
    "OMG Sombra got her hack and EMP nerfed but didn't get any compesition!"

  3. Not a Doomfist player, is a Wrecking Ball player
    As a Main tank I approve the Sombra nerf

  4. Doomfist Player
    Please Nerf Sombra

  5. Not a Doomfist player, or one I listed (Orisa, Moira, Hog)

  1. Not a Doomfist player, is a Lucio player
    Sombra needs a few slight nerfs

  2. Doomfist player
    Sombra's hack needs nerfs

  3. Doomfist player
    Sombra needs a nerf

  4. Not a Doomfist Player, is a Lucio player

  1. Not a Doomfist player, is a Genji player

Now I just grabbed the 1st ten that I saw period that were not made by private profiles. Of that 10, 4 were Doomfist players.

Now is that a large sample size? No. But it is a fair sample. 4/10 isn’t a majority, but it is a significant minority. The same was true of the ones you grabbed, with 1/3rd of the ones you grabbed also being Doomfist players.

Would you concede that DOES paint a picture of Doomfist players as being a particularly loud group that wanted her nerfed?


Making a list of threads where you purposefully include Doomfist players just shows that such a thing is possible, it doesn’t prove they were loud

All I did was hit “nerf sombra” and picked the first 10 without a private profile that were unambiguously pro nerf. I did not purposefully include him. It was just the first 10.

Like what the hell else would you have someone do to prove that nerf sombra threads had a notable population of Doomfist players?


This was my search term now that Imgur finally uploaded it. Literally just threads titled “Nerf Sombra” was the only criteria.


Don’t count me in, please. I was happy with old Sombra, I love her the most of all the heroes. My post was only to try to make others hate her a little less (but it was a bad idea :wink: )

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Yes, exactly, thank you.

Can do. Fwiw Im with you. I wouldnt have minded some changes- But overall I felt (and still feel, especially now) that she needs buffs overall.

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Stop nerfing Sombra jackholes!

And Buff her with what she needs!

It’s not like Sombra mains didn’t warn you what would happen.

The only reason Doomfist wasn’t meta before forced 2-2-2 was;

You could run 3 Tanks; That is too much HP for Doomfist to 1 shot, the only heroes he could were the support and more often one of them was Brig who at the time actually worked to counter him (Has been nerfed)

You could run 3 DPS; being able to put out enough damage or CC that didn’t require a specific lineup of heroes to do it

No Sigma; Sigma offers the benefits of BOTH a main and off-tank so sticking him with Orisa who was the only main tank left after all the tweeks and nerfs during Goats, leaves you where we are today

Doomfist will always be oppressive in a 2-2-2 environment; BUT he is needed until they tone down Sigma as well. You can’t just nerf one of them, you need to nerf BOTH of them for 2-2-2

This is false.

  1. Doomfist does not need a nerf.

  2. Sigma does not need a nerf

  3. Shield meta does not need nerfs

  4. Sombra just needs the ef’ing buffs she requires to effectively counter every problem 2-2-2 has brought to the table.

You guys are literally like Ants who just discovered a piece of bread and scrambling around trying to get as much of it as you can.

The simple answer is remove the bread, and the ants disperse.

Sombra as much as people hate her, she has major checks and balances in place, that NONE OF YOU ever realized until now.

But despite the nerf, she’s still the answer to put a meta in check without throwing out nerf bats to 1/2 the roster.

You do realise that with double barrier, even Sombra pre 2-2-2 nerf wouldn’t work right?

You wouldn’t be able to build EMP because of all the damage mitigation going on, and the fact that Reaper and Hanzo don’t really care if they’re hacked, they can still just delete Sombra

Not to mention, putting the burden on ONE hero to counter an entire TEAM of heroes gave us the Brigitte problem. Why wouldn’t you nerf the heroes who are huge problems? Why buff one hero so much that they become a must pick?

Also nerfing 2 heroes = 1/2 the roster

Doomfist is opressive as all hell in 2-2-2 and would have eventually gotten nerfed sooner or later

Sigma just goes to show the problem sooner rather than later. Especially with Tank balance being so poor lately for forced 2-2-2 and the end of Goats

You do realize as a Sombra main, along with many others, we warned you NOT TO EF’ING NERF SOMBRA.

But you did it anyways.

Now, she needs a buff more than any character in the game, and she can be buffed in a way that puts Doomfist in check, Shield meta in check.

But none of you supported the idea that was given for her to do just that.

Even with the current nerfs in place, those nerfs would not be removed, because the buff she really needs can be geared directly against shield meta.

And she’s the only character in the game specifically designed to counter shields.

Let me know when you all want to listen to the buff suggestion instead of throwing out nerf bats to 1/2 the roster.

Because it’s not just DF and Sigma that are a problem, other power creeping heros are also adding to that problem.

Ironic isn’t it? It’s not like people have said DF was OP from the start, yet he kept getting buffed and bug fixes that other characters have been waiting on since they were introduced.

You were warned by Sombra mains all of this would happen in 2-2-2.

But you didn’t listen.

Maybe now you might want to listen?

Overwatch Central’s video ft Chipsa

I was 100000% against the Sombra nerfs?

Like I don’t want them to put so much reliance on ONE character to break a meta; look at how well that has gone in the past.

The problem though is just that in a 2-2-2 setting Sombra doesn’t work. This isn’t even about balance or nerfs. She simply just NEVER worked in 2-2-2.

OWL was a prime example of this; forced 2-2-2 hit BEFORE the patch came out on live, so no Sigma, no Sombra nerfs, no Sym/ Zarya fix

Guess who went from Viable to F-tier

Sombra. Without a single change.

Like I am all for Sombra buffs, but to put the entire burden on her will give us another round of issues and problems.

Also take the ego down a bit about the whole “US SOMBRA MAIN AGAINST THE WORLD” anyone with half a brain was against nerfing Sombra when 2-2-2 hit because she doesn’t work well enough in 2-2-2 anyways


If we did that, then Doomfist will get a nerf he doesn’t need.

If we did that, than Sigma gets a nerf he doesn’t need.

I’m glad you are supportive of Sombra.

But we warned everyone what would happen if Sombra got over nerfed.

Now you all are seeing that effect.

2-2-2 makes Sombra useless because of her lack of damage

2-2-2 makes Sombra useless because of the excessive nerfing

2-2-2 issues can be resolved by Sombra, if she gets the buff she needs.

In effect no more nerf bats need to be thrown around with little understanding of what the side effect is.

Even as a Sombra main Brig hard counters Sombra at close range it’s almost a guaranteed loss for Sombra.

Even we think Brig needs a buff.

And that’s saying a lot coming from the worst character in the game.

You do realize Sombra has been F Tier for almost 2 years now? How can you go from being F Tier to viable with a 42% win rate in OWL, back to F Tier.

It’s not like we are not used to it by now?

She was never viable.

But as a Sombra supporter you have no right to call DF overpowered when the fact is, we stopped playing his hard counter because of the unwarranted excessive nerfing.

Sombra mains are pissed because of this. And I cringe whenever I see someone play Sombra, and I cry when I see them unable to do anything meaningful.

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What do you think about this idea?

The problem here is; you want Sombra buffed, but to a point she counters BOTH Sigma and Doomfist WITHOUT tuning their already insanely high powerlevels down?

But what about characters Sombra soft counters? Now they’re weaker

And we’re right back at square one. ONE character warping the meta around them.

They can buff Sombra sure, even revert the stupid nerfs she got too. But that doesn’t mean that she has to be the end all be all of this.

Doomfist’s problem is a 3 fold thing; You can’t run 3 tank, you can’t run 3 DPS, his two biggest non-tank counters were nerfed (Sombra and Brig)

Sigma is another can of worms having the benefits of both a main and off tank

Also by viable I meant; the only DPS that was playable during Goats. Not a must pick, viable.

Also also; Doomfist has been borderline OP for a long while; Sitting at the same pickrates as pre-2-2-2 Sombra/ McCree yet having almost 10% higher winrates than both.

Like before Sigma came out, and Roadhog was in every single game, Doomfist was STILL rocking 56% winrate (At the same time Sombra was sitting at 46% and McCree at 49%)

Doomfist needs toning down for 2-2-2; Sigma needs nerfs for 2-2-2, Sombra needs buffs for 2-2-2 that DOESN’T make her counter an entire meta like Brigitte did