Sombra EMP/Hack needs mini nerf

Sombra is easiest of flankers and best ult by far. It’s going to really show in role que when a shield gets shredded every EMP. The only counter play is to spread out so only half the team is EMPed, or be 200 IQ and show up in weekly highlights for sleeping sombra before EMP.

Compare this to High Noon which is so bad that many players just use it to reload so they don’t get killed and set the atmosphere for being afraid of McCree. I’ve got 10 hours on an aim training game, 80 hours on McCree and I’m still much better at Sombra who I rarely use.

So the solution is to nerf hack against lower pickrates. Like Lucio keeping crossfade would make fights with shields getting EMPed a little more winnable while making Orisa less viable since Lucio Orisa isn’t really a strong pick.

It just feels like Sombra is a blanket counter to everything in the game and it isn’t frustrating enough because enough people refuse to play Sombra or are really bad at her. It’s not like Sombra needs to disappear forever, we still need her against a lot of heroes like Doom, but I fear role que will make Sombra a must pick because of how strong EMP is right now

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My dude… they are already nerfing her.

  1. emp and hack literally just got nerfed

  2. if anything sombra’s pick rate will go down with role queue, her utility is nerfed and the damage she deals probably isnt good enough to carry a team


Not will go down it did go down.

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First of all, Sombra’s already getting nerfed hard.

Second of all, 2-2-2 is just gonna hurt Sombra, she doesn’t work best when there’s only one other DPS considering she’s not much of a damage dealer and she’s just not effective enough with her current (nerfed) kit. Sombra was really only useful because EMP countered GOATs, but that composition is dead now.

Running Sombra in 2-2-2 is gonna be risky until she gets some kind of compensation buff that makes her more useful outside of just her EMP, and with these nerfs, it’s not looking good for her.

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She just got nerfed dear lord, substantially too.

Not to mention 2-2-2 isn’t going to be a super great time for her, the only comp she truly countered well was GOATS but that’s gone

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Thus has the lowest win rate of all of them.

Oh wait, that can’t be right can it?

Look if you are having trouble vs Sombra, it is you, because everyone else is winning games vs her.

Check the win rates for her at your elo, now, I don’t know what your elo is, but I DO know Sombra has near to bottom win rate for it.

How do I know that? Because she has low to bottom win rate at all elos.

It is on you if you having trouble with the lowest win rate hero in the game.


Thats because there are some heroes who have NO counter or had one that got nerfed.
Lucio, Tracer, Widow, Zarya, Orisa, Mercy, Moira, Doomfist.
All don’t have effective counters and most of the time all you can do is try and kill them before a fight, otherwise they will likely go unchecked.

how did she get nerfed? I dont see anyting in patch notes

ty (20 characters)…

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I’m actually intrigued what will be next for sombra, will she reach 30 winrate? Devs will be thrilled to find out the mess they’ve made

Sombra reaches .001% pickrate and 30% winrate but Super got hacked by a Sombra while idling so she’s getting another nerf.

She just got nerfed and the global ult change will hit her hard, and this is coming from a doomfist main