Sombra's hack needs nerfs

Not her entire kit, just EMP and Hack honestly. These abilities, regardless of how people feel she plays on the ladder, are extremely powerful. I know a big excuse for EMP is ‘oh she needs a team to follow up’ but a variety of ults do. Grav, Shatter, Amp Matrix, Blizzard, maybe even minefield to an extent.

Hack and EMP take away abilities. Earth Shatter stuns sure, but you can block Earth Shatter, you can deflect/eat grav, and do the same to Blizzard. You CAN’T in essence counter EMP and said EMP with the team follow up that’s oh so emphasized can wipe out an entire team with ease. A matter of abilities vs ability less.


dOn’T gRoUp Up, jUsT sPrEaD OuT


GeT a BetTEr GaMiNg cHaiR


Hello there genji alt account.


nerf the duration imo. Yesterday played sombra hacked zen and hack mccree in order and guess what my friend ulted as genji alil after and still got them because they were still hacked and we won a team 5v6 (i died for hacking mccree by a lucky hanzo hs XD) which is alil op imo


You wish, Id never play Genji or any other DPS for that matter. They’re boring to me…

And all of the ults you listed disable the team in such a way that they can’t effectively fight back during follow up. EMP is powerful, absolutely, but an enemy that isn’t stunned, immobilized, or dead is one that can still kill you. It’s designed to be combo-ed with other ults, otherwise the other team still has a fighting chance.


Play Sombra yourself and try to make use of hack. Then come back and tell us how it went and if it needs nerfs.


But none of these before mentioned ults last nearly as long as hack does. As I mentioned these ults have COUNTER PLAY. That’s what differentiate them from EMP. Sombra, a character that can stealth up, teleport herself into a middle of a team and take away EVERYONE’s abilities is much more detrimental then one may think.

Also, no, EMP doesn’t need to be combined with other ults to be powerful, what it does is effectively allow her team to clear the enemy with their base abilities. Other ults CAN be used but effectiveness doesn’t just need another ult to follow up.

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Well junkrat can use R.I.P Tire she can’t do anything, all she can try to do is shoot the tire.

She can not Hack Steel Trap, Remote Mines, and venom mine from widow.

She can also not hack sym Turrets or TP.

She can not hack/emp the mech when ulting.

Reinhardt is a easy kill for sombra.

Zenyatta ult can not be cancelled by emp/hack.

She can’t even Hack away his orbs :joy:

She counters Lucio Ult, But he can still wallride after hack/emp

She can not cancell Nano

She can hack without waking up sleeping target.

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She can STOP ALL OF THESE ABILITIES BEFORE HAND. You fail to mention thrower. Why worry when she can literally stop them before they even start. She can stop Shatter mid animation, same with Blizzard, dragons, call mech, and a few others.

Oh and she can also Hack Torb’s turret can’t she? She can also hack B.O.B oh and look at this, she can even stop whole hog, sound barrier, Death Blossom and many others!

yeah i sai’d reinhardt is a easy kill for here.

i didn’t mention Mei…

she can hack the call mech but is safe when she stays within here bomb radius.

Dragons you thinking of Hanzo or Genji?

What are the other you are thinking about?

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So can a shield or a D.Va matrix or Ana’s sleep dart, etc. There are a number of ways to counter these without relying on Sombra. She’s just one of many solutions.

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Hanzo mid animation you silly goose.

Lol, okay.

I am just glad we can all agree that she can stop many many things.

So why is she the worst hero in the game?

Since Sombra is so broken, explain to everyone here why she has had the lowest winrate for the past year?


Well they can nerf sombra by making the AOE of EMP to be smaller.

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Because you need cordination to get all the value from a sombra…

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That is a highly subjective thing to say, there are characters that are picked far less and you should note that I am not talking about SOMBRERO THE CHARACTER, but I am talking about this part of her kit. As an ability, regardless of where she is in terms of winrate, pickrate, what have you it is VERY powerful.

She can have a winrate of zero for all I care, it doesn’t change how powerful emp and hack are in game.

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So then she’s not overpowered? Logically it follows than an overpowered hero must win a lot.

Sombra is basically a throw pick across every rank. You don’t nerf bad heroes, that makes no sense.


I’ve be more concerned about Zarya dominating the scene.