After defending Doomfist for the past month

Chipsa parrots please not, my nightmare :scream:

She’s already a hard counter to doomfist.

She needs a damage buff. And the BS hack change on PTR needs to get removed for sigma.

The problem is her damage is weak against shield meta, + the 12% nerf to her EMP charge.

Buff her damage against shields and barriers. I’ve made this suggestion already. And even explained how it would work, WITHOUT affecting her damage against HP / Armor.

Just stop.

You have no idea what I suggested as a buff.

Go read my suggestion, then come and make a comment about damage.

Some people want her damage buffed directly. I disagree, I think it makes her to strong.

Her kit is weak right now, she has the statistical data to prove it.

Doomfist is OP right now because real sombra mains refuse to play her anymore especially in 2-2-2.

Seriously just stop.

I’m glad you support Sombra, but you have no idea how to buff her and keep her kit the same where it has no more or less value than it already does.

The buff she needs is damage, not a nerf to her kit. Her kit is not brokenly overpowered as everyone thinks.

It’s lack of skill that is the problem when fighting against her, that’s the root of the complaints about her kit.

All you can do against doom is run counters to make him useless. Sombra/Brig will either force him to swap or be useless.

It sucks that he’s so binary as a hero. Either busted strong or completely useless when countered.

She is a soft counter at best to Doomfist? The stats do not lie. If Sombra and Doomfist both had around 4% pickrates, why was Doomfist sitting at 56% winrates and Sombra sitting at 46%?

A damage buff will literally be 100% pointless though?

The meta DPS are Hanzo, Widowmaker, Reaper, Mei, and Doomfist; either 1 shots, or high sustain.

Why would I run a hero who uses sustained damage, when I have powerful heroes in 2-2-2 that can instantly delete or remove a threat?

And AGAIN you’re buffing Sombra to counter an ENTIRE META option; not just oh here or there; literally making people unable to run double barriers; or hell making her even BETTER against barrier tanks overall. Reinhardt and Winston don’t need indirect nerfs by giving these changes to Sombra.

Like I want Sombra to be a viable option; not a must pick when people bring out barriers

Doomfist a hard counters Sigma. This is how the interaction SHOULD happen. Sigma’s dps is too low to burst Doomfist down and his Kinetic Grasp and Barriers are useless.

His only hope is his boulder and that’s it.

If groups went back to running Hog/Orisa more regularly Doom would be less of an issue.

Orisa is good against Doom but her utility in countering Doom only is relevant in a team setting so she needs that Hog support to do it properly.

Sigma does not support her in any way often just making things more hectic and clustered.

I play WB into Sigma/Orisa comps all the time and the effect is very similar. Their tools only hinder me at best while I completely ignore half their kits and run them over.

Melee/Cleave Dive heros counter Orisa/Sigma and their are only 3.5 WB/Winston/Doomfist/Genji (the .5)

Doomfist and WB are the best while Winston/Genji are viable but harder to pull off.

if we can throw out random anecdotes as evidence that some doomfist mains are comfortably advocating for everything else to be nerfed…

I’ll pit my record of consistency against any of you any day

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sniff sniff…

Brought a tear to my eye.

Like I told the other guy, even us sombra mains think Brig needs a slight buff to her shield.

And that says a lot coming from the worst character in the game.

Well, you know how Sigma sucks against dive heroes and melee heroes? You know what Doomfist is?

Stop playing heroes he counters? SOmbra may be in the gutter but Doomfist can’t do anything to Torb, Bastion, Pharah, Hanzo, Orisa, Roadhog, Mercy, Moira, or Lucio.

Doomfist counters double shield cause everything else sucks against it.

Widow/hanzo counters the obscene amount of healing output and sustain that no other dps can deal with.

Healing and shields also need to be toned down, it’s not solely the DPS roster’s fault.

Same thing when people tell me to just “counter” Mei. As a tank, there is no way to counter her, you can just try to survive, unless you’re Roadhog, in which case you’re just deleted.

Sombra nerfs are not the cause of her lack of play. One second less on hack doesn’t do anything since it’s just a death sentence. I’ve personally had no problems playing Sombra this meta, but If I had to assume why she isn’t played in higher skill ratings, it would be double shield cutting off her ability to farm EMP and land hacks, more specifically sigma spamming barrier in her face

Everyone knows that Doomfist is easily countered by Winston.

The problem with this idea is that it leads to problematic outcomes. Brigitte was introduced to counter Tracer, but ended up upending the game from top to bottom. Sombra is often looked to as a solution to problematic heroes, but that creates issues of its own - for instance, it doesn’t work when Sombra herself isn’t good.

I think a much simpler solution is just to nerf Doomfist.

Sombra used to be the way to fight him, but now her changes over the past year have made that such a hard task.

I want him to be thrown away in the trashcan and I absolutely feel no shame about it

Oh god, thank you for letting me know.