Sombra nerf idea

I do main Sombra and I like her as she is right now (I also can deal with enemy Sombras), but since so many people hate the EMP how about that:

let’s make EMP hack EVERYONE in radius, including Sombra and her teammates. And let’s give her faster moving speed (not only while invisible), so her ultimate desn’t become a death sentence for her.

Please, don’t make it another “Sombra OP” topic…

This is quite possibly the worst thing ever. An ability should never and I mean never negatively effect you or your teamates without some kind of compensation buff (say, more damage but less health).


Well, Tracer can die from her ult.

Yes, but technically pretty much any hero can die during their ult. The only one I can think of off the top of my head that can’t is Zen.

Edit: Pharah can also die from her ult

A hero should never be able to debuff his teammates that would just make it the perfect Hero to troll.

And everybody would flame you everytime you hit a teammate too. People already almost kill there healer if they don’t get pockeded 24/7 what do you think an agressive Genji main would do to his teammate Sombra if he got hacked from her.

This is quite possibly the worst idea I’ve read on the forums, and that’s really saying something.

What’s with all the new “I’m TOTALLY a Sombra main, but here’s how I’d completely dumpster her! My idea shows no knowledge of the character, or how she plays, and would completely remove her viability. Did I mention I TOTALLY main Sombra guys?” posts lately?

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lolno :shallow_pan_of_food:

But I’d prefer if Emp was changed, it is the least fun part of sombras kit, its so dependent on your team and would prefer if there was something changed that helped her score kills on the individual level.

Yeah how about no.

This is one of the reasons why players / people on these forums who doesnt know anything about how to balance this game/how balancing works on this game, should not suggest ANY kind of balance ideas.

Sombra is a tactical hero that require coordination with a team. With that in mind it is totally possible not to hurt own team at all. It would only add the need to be more careful before EMP.

The only this it would do is make her trollpick no. 1 because now you can ruin your teams day.

Sorry you will never see a Hero that can debuff his own team. It would be stupit beyond limits

EMP could do something to cover the hack (especially for the scenario when Sombra gets ult during already initiated fight). Shield for example or something more creative. I really don’t think that this would be the end of the world.

People already don’t want Sombra on their team…
Which is interesting seeing as how people complain about her being OP on the forums, but as soon as somebody selects her in game they got into rage mode over it.

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If we give her team something in compansation wouldn’t that completely ruin the point of your nerf in the first place? And it still could be used as a troll and it would still stop my teammates ults…

My teammate would still hate me too.

I mean the world isn’t gonna end about it Sombra’s place in the game would tho.

wow probablty the best ability to get flamed by your team and getting banned from ow

All that should be changed about EMP is the cast time, that’s kind of a bad change.

I don’t want to nerf her. I should put that in quotes, my bad.
I like her as she is but I don’t like that she is so hated, called low skill or press q to win etc.

Yes, maybe expecting teammates to cooperate and plan a strategy was a little too optimistic :frowning:

Oops I just almost killed my Zenyatta and halved my Zarya’s HP because I panic ulted.

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u just spoke against the physics of this game … i think a good solution would be for her emp to hack the 3 closest enemies to her and leave the other 3

is level 4 Yeah guys, I TOTALLY main Sombra! So let’s make her a troll hero!

Forum Sombra isn’t a hero you can select

They only show up on the red team