Please Nerf Sombra

She is the broken broken character in the game. She makes the game unfun. If you want free SR just play Sombra GOATS and there you go because its too broken.
Longer time to hack and longer cooldown for hack.
Hack does not effect every ability in the game.
(Honestly most things shouldn’t be hackable such as running or throwing a hook.)


Are you in the OWL?? No? Then stop acting like Sombra GOATs is some super common thing.

She’s got a 36% single team winrate in league atm, fyi. Though at least the stage just started.


First off, GOATS dont have dps, so sombra in it is not GOATS but differend meta
And who actualy play GOATS outside of the top rank/OWL players?

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It’s still called Sombra GOATs because triple support is the defining feature.

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First off, fine sombra with 3 healers and 2 tanks, and GOATS is a cancer in competiteve which you don’t play. Also 4+ stacks abuse GOATS to get free SR and adding Sombra to it is the worst thing in the world.

I do my games every season in competitive, saw goats only ONCE at all.
Plat EU cant play without at least 2 dps on the team, that is true

You haven’t placed this season and what ELO are you at?

I didnt do placement because i forget to do so during event, 4 games to do so but im to lazy to play XD
Plat rank.
And im sure if i play today in ranked i will not see single goats and i gona fill tank or healer role :man_shrugging:

That would be because most plats think they are the best DPS in the world and refuse to work as a team. In higher ELOs everyone will say GOATS is just cheesing their way through the ladder.

Yea lets nerf the statistically worst performing Hero great idea. In every rank including owl.


Welp, played with diamonds a lot i they also didnt seem to run goats.

Yea lets listen to plat Sombra main

The 7th lowest pickrate in Diamond, and the lowest winrate. That’s your rank, right?

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Btw what rank are you so you see that many sombra and GOATS ruin your game?
Especialy that under grandmaster her pick rate is lower than 2%…

Lets instandly discredit a fact because im plat while being a 166 sr above plat himself.
Go look it up yourself I didn’t make it up and it isn’t my opinion


Maybe this is because people in lower ranks pick Sombra as a 3rd DPS, not working with the team. Also i don’t play on this account and im 3470 on my alt OCE PS4, Its impossible to reach grandmaster where im playing.

Do league players just not know what they are doing too? Because that’s how she’s doing so far in stage 3.

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And how about her winrate its pretty much the lowest from Bronze to GM and as you see above in owl they are even worst.

Seema like your Sombra goats isn’t winning games.

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OWL players know how to counter it, my team mates and hell, i don’t know how to counter it. Still not understanding that everyone that plays Sombra is good but most of the ones in high ELO are.

She’s got the lowest or second lowest winrate in every rank on ladder. And one of the lowest in league as well.

There is not a single rank where she does super well. Not one.