As a Main tank I approve the Sombra nerf

I mainly say this because I’m tired of being the focus of repeated hacking. It’s annoying and very not fun to play against. I understand people’s concern with how viable this will make her but for my sanity I need something like this so I don’t feel the need to break my kneecaps when I see an enemy Sombra.


Dude, you need to adapt, seriously.
I’m a main tank/off tank player and sombra is bloody easy to counter, If your playing rein, quickly do a 360 turn, the team will then react to her hack and destroy her, orisa shoot her or fortify before hack comes, etc.

I have literally 0 problems with sombra, and a hero should NOT be nerfed because of “fun” otherwise doomfist would be Dumpstered. Not to mention her winrate is complete garbage, even in GM it’s one of the lowest.


I like to have fun when i play my games. Sorry that made you upset.


It is one second off a hack and a more reasonable cast time. Hardly nerfs that will kill her… Anywhere but OWL. Conveniently.

Mad respect. Have yet to met a tank player which defended her.


No, you only want sombra nerfs so you don’t have to get good. Sombra is statistically one of the worst heroes in the game right now and if you can’t counter her at whatever rank you’re at it’s YOUR fault. If I can, you can.


What about the fun of Sombra players? They arent allowed to play a viable hero?


It’s a nerf, but not really
If you can’t get in 5 seconds done and you couldn’t either in 6.

And I say this as a Sombra main.
EMP has better counterplay --> healthy --> skill match up


Listen I’m not trying to start anything here. I just wanted to express how I felt about the character. I don’t like her and I’m glad top see her get nerfed. I’m not saying that it’s not my fault or anything for being bad against her. All i’m saying is that i dislike her.


…you’re still gonna be the focus of all our hacks. Sorry?

Ps now with a higher EMP change rate I’ll have to spend more time harassing tanks for Ult charge, so it’s not going to stop. I’ll just end up a few hundred SR lower.


Adaptation isn’t the issue. Just because YOU don’t have issue doesn’t mean others don’t. Your personal experience vs a sample of dozens of people that have an issue with a certain aspect of her.

I swear people are always going ‘oh you gotta adapt’ to everything now. It’s like you can’t have an opinion on anything balance wise these days.


Yeah i guess there isn’t alot i can do there huh?

Except if you adapted she wouldn’t be unfun to play against, That’s the problem.

Except for many adaptation is this bogus phrase that means nothing in 2019. If you’re so good with adaptation why is it you complained about a Torb nerf back in May and even asked for it to be reverted. Not very adaptable if you asks me.

Is adaptation a one way street? We should all just adapt to things we don’t like, including nerfs right? I smell a hypocrite.


I kinda laughed causes these changes arent going to change much. Still going to enjoy wrecking kids with sombra

Oh god, you actually looked through my post history? Lmao.
Complained about torb being nerfed because he was only JUST viable, and I don’t think I saw anyone complaining about him. He had a 0% pickrate in OWL, low pickrate in all ranks etc etc.

Don’t even play torb, I play tank (who torb counters BTW).

Don’t lecture people on adaptation when you yourself lack the will to adapt to things you don’t like. Adapt to 2-2-2 to every single nerf that comes the way of a hero you like. Learn to adapt completely and inequivacally and be this bar of the adaptable player that you claim people should want to be.

You better adapt regardless of viability, fun, or whatever have you. Else you are nothing more than a milksop who thinks adaptability is this one way street that they can just frolic along on.

People like you are the worst of the worst.


Dual que with a Bastion main maybe? He’s about the only character who’s a higher neutral Hack priority then main tanks.

DVA, Hammond and DF is on top

No? If I don’t agree with a nerf I’ll complain about it, it’s simple.

Nah I think people like you are the worst, you people are the ones who get heroes nerfed because of fun.