Sombra needs a few slight nerfs

Firstly, hacking an EMP’d target shouldn’t be a thing.

Sombra’s hack cooldown and cast time were buffed, thus the hacked duration effect for the victim should be reduced from 6 seconds to 5 or 5.5 seconds to compensate.

Not to mention, Sombra has better survival chances. She’s not like Genji/Doomfist: high risk, high reward type of high skill damage hero.

  • Unlimited invisibility to free roam around the map
  • Translocator as a gold escape card
  • Has “DETECTED!” warning when walked in Hanzo’s sonic arrow range and other heroes don’t have that kind of warning
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I just hate the hack, emp, hack combo. 18 seconds of no abilities is real bad. Everything else is fine though


She’s way too safe now to have a 75% uptime 6 second death sentence on an ability that takes 0 skill to pull off. Literally the only skill check Sombra has now is: don’t unstealth in front of a McCree and don’t solo emp without your team around.


And does ZERO damage.


Tank players experience this a lot, especially poor Reinhardt.

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I will give you one guess what my main (borderline onetrick) is

She already has the very worst winrate in the entire game, including in GM. You can’t nerf her.


Oh yes lets nerf the hero with crappy pickrates and winrates since her inception. She’s the most team dependent. If your team sucks she sucks. I wish we had the Sombra the forums keep describing :joy:


If you’re able to live through 17 seconds of being hacked to actually experience the full 18 seconds of hack time, then hack isnt really that strong, is it?


Got both healers pumping me full of juice while the rest of my team dies since we no longer have a shield. It sucks

Maybe someone should have shot the Sombra who was running around uncloaked for 18 seconds.

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It’s easy, be up high, hack, jump and emp, translocate, comeback and hack again. Little risk for her, deadly to me. I will admit it is rare, but it still sucks. That is my only complaint though, she is balanced currently

Arguably she isn’t balanced, but in the other direction (her stats are very clear that she is badly underpowered).

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Wait as a Sombra main I need to say doing that is pretty stupit (Hacking a target 3 times once with EMP) I mean wth is her team doing and wth are you doing?

Still one of the worst nerf ideas here is why:

Remove that like hell most Sombra mains hated it when it came out and they still do.
Its useless to good Sombras because aslong as your invisible your not doing what your should be doing.

Doom and Genji have way better killing potential then Sombra they can kill one or more people before getting out or dying both also have high dmg escapes.
Sombra on the other hand can be happy if she even gets one kill after hacking the key target.

She gets it only when Shes invisible because it would be stupit to tell the player she is invisible while the whole enemy team sees her.
This is a mere QoL feature because most of the time the Info is not all to usefull for everybody that isn’t invisable.

And all stats show her underperforming we don’t need to nerf an underperforming Hero.


They dislike when my Reinhardt play prevents their team from moving forward, and having my shield down for that long is very useful. Like I said though, it is rare, just very annoying when it happens.

Its annoying I believe that I just think if the Sombra is using so many resources against you and her Team isn’t able to atleast split your team She is probably not all to effective with a team like that.

Unless Sombra translocates out of the fight after the EMP what would leave her team 5v6 for some time removing the advantage of EMP.

True, and it is flattering a little to know she thinks I am that important of a target to hack 3 times in a row just to give her team a chance


Sombra does have a high risk high reward playstyle. It doesn’t come in the form of dying, it comes at the risk of losing the match. Much moreso than other heroes.

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The last thing Sombra needs is a nerf. Learn to counterplay.

You should try Orisa against her. Once you get good at listening for the audio cue you can fortify everytime she tries and then laugh as her you force her away. She also gets much less ult charge against her. As a you’re a Rein main she takes many similar skills. So you shouldn’t take too long to pick her up.

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