Sombra needs a nerf

Nerf Sombra she makes the game unfun the one thing that makes this game enjoyable is hero abilities and she completely negates that. Unlimited invisibility is bad and I constantly get hacked behind walls


She’s also in a terrible spot and nobody picks her.
I swear the forum gets sadder every day.


Well she causes the whole game to be a sleeper fest of emp and hacks through wall its annoying she shouldn’t make the game this unfun for every other person in the game


Plenty of people have no problems playing against Sombra. I prefer to fight against her than all the various instagib heroes.


I’d rather be hacked and killed than punched into a wall every time I respawn or killed in one second by a time warping lesbian.


WTF? How about NO?!?


Everybody on these forums:
“My Main needs a buff!!”

Also Everybody on these forums:
“Every other hero needs a nerf!!”


Nerfing sombra would make doomfist even more better dps pick


Healing is unfun. Shields are unfun. Dying is unfun. Losing is unfun. Can we remove all these features because they’re just so unfun?


I don’t like her, she has no real counterplay and sometimes her voiceline doesn’t even play when she decloaks. You can throw doritos + dip on her and call her nachos because she is a giant mexican cheeseball.

So called “doomfist main” here.

Shes fine to me.

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Mate, easy mode ain’t fun. Don’t nerf a character just because you aren’t willing to practice and think of ways to counter them. Think of it like a puzzle, there’s no point if I just told you the answer or made it easier for you.


I’m up for a brainstorming session. Feel free to make suggestions.


  1. Play heroes that aren’t as dependent on their abilities as others such as Hanzo or Junkrat thus making Hack much less effective against you.

  2. Stick with your teammates preferably a healer. Having someone by your side means that even if you get hacked, it’s going to be more difficult for Sombra to kill you. If you’re a widowmaker who plays in the backlines away from your teammates, you’re pretty easy prey but if you situate yourself if you’re nearby or can easily retreat to a healer your chances go up.

  3. Leading unto that, the more your teammates stick together, the harder it is for Sombra to be effective as she’ll have to deal with all six of you.

  4. Use her own passive against her by tricking her into a trap. Fought a Hanzo and Ana who did this. Whenever Hanzo’s health went critical he retreated which caused me to go after him but it was a trap since Ana would just sleep dart before she and him killed me and he healed him back to full health.

  5. having turret(s) nearby such as Torjborn’s or Symmetra’s means it’s going to be nearby impossible for Sombra to hack you.

  6. Watch her patterns, which direction does Sombra translocate away to. Which angle(s) does she usually attack from. Which targets does she normally go after? Knowing this, you can predict her moves and counter her before she even has a chance to react.

  7. Think she might have EMP ready? Keep your team spread thus reducing the amount of people who’ll be affected by her hack. Additionally, having someone with an Ult who can counter EMP such as Zenyatta or Lucio in the back can greatly help you out.


Eh, just want until OWLS2 comes up and teams are using her properly. You’ll see a billion anecdotes from this forums resident liars that Sombra is the most oppressive thing ever created and that every Sombra Bronze to GM is playing at a professional level with teams that actually follow up on her enabling to boot.

Then she’ll inevitably get nerfed. :man_shrugging:

Unfun should never be used in balancing a game as it is subjective. For example, I could say Bastion is OP and meta because he deletes people. But the reality is, Bastion is one of the most underpowered heroes in the game. Do you see my point? Wanting a underpowered hero nerfed because they killed you is not how you should balance a game


Yeah she’s not that hard

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Most of those sound more like compromises rather than counters. Some of them are pretty heavy cost too.

To an extent, I agree, but only if she gets compensated for her nerf.

Revert hack speed back to an older patch, add damage threshold, and you got a good chance of fighting back against bad Sombras

As Sombra main the best counter in my opinion is to pick heroes who are not totally ****ed when hacked. Picking heroes like Doom, Hammond and Lucio is basicly throwing. Don’t seperate from the rest of your team if you aren’t sure you can 1v1 Sombra and keep an eye on your healers. Best picks against Sombra are Winston, Moira, Hanzo and Torb.

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