“one person saying”
Ignorant comparison… since its not just ONE person saying either statements…
Here you go chief, this is just from a quick search and picked from THREAD creators, not even posts within these threads or others threads of people calling it D3 remake/clone/3.5, etc.
You can slap a really cool aesthetic and dark themes on it, but when it comes down to it, I see the unfeeling corporate lifelessness sticking out from underneath. You really needed to change everything with this release, make it hard, gritty, punishing and you didn’t do that. The item system is bland, I don’t care about the items or the characters i’m equipping them to and its all just meh. Story is kinda cool but definitely trying to hard to be like D2(following a FEMALE demon across sanctua…
Diablo 4 is just a prettier Diablo 3
Very unfortunate…
The sad part is that Blizzard is a company and they make things ina way that make them lose less time or save more time and get more money. What I mean? Diablo 4 is CLEARLY a d3 remake Control C control V situation. They instead of thinking and creating new things, they take the easy path that is just CTRL C CTRL V. So many years waiting for this game. The game looks amazing, sounds amazing, the game feels nice. BUT feels the same as playing D3 with some new content and better audio and graphic…
I remember them saying that the game wouldn’t be like diablo 3.
So far they lied. Its a Diablo 3 clone with more MMO elements and a continuation of the story.
I’m enjoying the game so far - can’t wait to try the Druid out - however, I feel like i’m just playing a Diablo 3 DLC pack, as there doesn’t seem to be any considerable changes to the mechanics or graphics of the game like there were in D 1, 2, 3. I love Diablo 3 and played through it on multiple platforms many times, but I guess maybe call it a DLC instead of a new game? Either way i’ll still play. Also, i’m only lvl 4 so far, so not sure if the game opens up in some new way yet.
-The Diablo III aesthetic was better
-There is nothing that has been improved enough for it to be called diablo 4 instead of diablo 3.5
There I said it.
If anyone wants to look at something interesting then watch Diablo 3 beta from 2012.
The similarities are really something.
[Diablo III: Gameplay Trailer]
[5:45] - A ladder you can use which wasn’t in D3 Retail but is in D4
[6:00] - Obstacles that require you using an ability to get through them which isn’t in D3 Retail but now is in D4
[7:30] - Your character engaging in conversation instead of sitting back while other people do the talking. It even has a conversation screen to…
More like Diablo 3 resurrected. I have been playing Diablo since D1 was in beta and I wonder what happened. Diablo 2 was by far one of the best sequels to any game I’ve played and was excited for D3 before it was released and let us not forget about that colossal disappointment not to mention before D3’s expansion it felt more like a demo than a game (the first expansion not this one). I read somewhere that the devs were trying to make 4 more like D1 and D2, after playing the D4 beta I question …
Most of the skills are the same, just renamed. The gameplay is exactly the same, just primary skill and spenders. Dungeons and cellars are just like the random locations in Diablo 3, and so are the world events. Then they added Diablo Immoral mechanics on top of it, such as the legendary system, world bosses on timers, world tiers, etc. I mean, I get it Blizz, you only had a Warcraft mobile game releasing this year, so you had to throw something else out for your shareholders, but it shows.
exactly like diablo 3 except open world where u have to run around or ride ur horse to a greater rift lmao
my review was 10/10 after all the good reviews on youtube came out this morning but now
1/10 after seeing what rob did with that ww barb and 7 bil dmg lame
Hello everyone,
I have played diablo since the first installment was released. It is one of my favorite game series and I have put countless hours into Diablo, Diablo 2, Diablo 2 Resurrected. I have played my fair share of Diablo 3 as well. I’ll get right to the point here. The Diablo series has become utter $|-|!T. It is so glaringly obvious that I feel ashamed that I fell for it again. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
I will first point out flaws within diablo 3 so th…