To Tinker H8ters

You can help Fiona do alchemy without training alchemy. You can cook meat on a campfire in Exile’s Reach without training cooking. You could probably use mechanical class spells without training engineering.

I wanted to put the warriors, but that class did not only live on plate armor, and even before WoW in RTS.

anyway that doesn’t matter to you tree-lovers, and professions have nothing to do with classes, while Blizzard needs true tinkers and not those cringe Evokers.

how many of you want to be a Tinkler??


need more reference…

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They are already here, Gnomes, Gobblins, and any others that do engineering as a profession. If they wanted a “tinker” clas, they would have done it with MG’s.

Just saying.
Oh and bad necro! /'slaps hand.

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what if you battle each other

quit necroing threads.

great, unfortunately you need dad DK and mom Warlock to have a son and he is called Necromancer or Necrolite.

Unfortunately, you could only have a sub specs or sub class system where a DK or Warlock class speaks in a hall class and can have a new spec called necromancer, some time ago I gave that idea for a system in which classes would merge or learn of another class to obtain a special spec but that would be part of the legacy of Warcraft RTS trilogy, especially Warcraft 3, which is the most beloved (OBVIOUSLY)

As well as having other specs like Ninjas, with monks and rogues, Shadowhunters between Priest, or Warlocks or Shaman with Demon Hunters (in the case of their use of Warglaives depending on the lore), Wardens with Rogues and Demon Hunters, Blademasters with Warriors and rogues, Crusaders with paladins and Warriors, and Rogues, Rangers with hunters and Rogues.

But for now the last one in a pure special class (AND NOT CRINGE LIKE THE EVOKER), only the Tinker would remain, so there are no more new and pure classes now.

It’s very curious how much tech is being represented in 10.1.

Gotta love Rannen Korren nervously facilitating our entry into VOX. And what a strange dragonkin in Professor Gastrinax, tech back piece and all.

who wants to be a tinkler

Tinker strays too close to Sci-Fi for me. Kinda steampunky. With new classes being so rare, maybe polarization is exactly why we won’t see them.

But, blizzard is steady slicing up combat now. We’ve added a mid-range and now a “support” role, it’s possible we’ll expand that matrix even more and create a ton of new aesthetic classes. Who knows?

Fanfiction is from those that insist that Tinkerers isn’t a class worthy profession.

I dunno. I mean, if you’re an alliance player I wouldn’t judge you for thinking that because the Gnomes never get any time in the spotlight.

But we’ve seen the Gob Squad on the Horde for a few expansions now. They’ve got turrets, missiles, and a giant mech that you, the player, help them to build.
It’s in Orgrimmar. Just walking around being awesome.

Goblins in Mechs are pretty iconic to the franchise, they’ve been around since WC3. The Tinker hero unit. Just like Demon Hunter or Death Knight.

I wanna be a Goblin Tinker, It’ll fit right along side Human Paladins, and Night Elf Druids.

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Since WC2 actually.

Awesome works of Technology have been around since WC2.
But the “Mech Suit” trope was introduced in WC3.

That’s why we have bosses like:

King Mechagon
Mechgineer Thermaplugg
Helix Blackfuse
Mechgineer Steamrigger
The Iron Reaver.
And many many more.

LET US be the badass in the Mech suit for once blizzard! PLEASE!

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we need to get this to 300

With the future introduction of a more support style role, I’m hopeful that blizzard with ‘quickly’ expand this new niche with another new class… Tinker is so flexible in aesthetic I could totally see and want to play a support Tinker, amplifying allies.

Tinker class was such a missed opportunity at the end of bfa. Imagine it. Tank spec in a giant Mecha suit. Ranged DPS spec with canons and summoned robot minions. Melee DPS spec with chainsaws etc. It would have been the first class since druid that had a ranged spec and also a tank spec.

Instead we got garbo evokers, SMH. Evokers. Are. Such. A. Dumb. Class.

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you like the tinklers

As long as it has a tank spec I’m all for it.

The next class NEEDS a tank spec.

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