10.0 new class: Tinker

It will happen.

Now let’s be real. Cast all biases aside. Based on your knowledge of wow lore and patterns displayed by blizzard. What will be the next class?

Let’s see. So far each class has matched the theme of the expansion.

So that takes out dark rangers and necros as possibilities as they were not introduced in SL. Seriously doubt 10.0 will be death themed.

Now 10.0 will most likely be involving the dragon isles as they were hinted of in bfa.

So naturally people might say the dragonsworn is next. Okay possibly. But picture this…

Wrathion currently has MOTHER as a part of his group. What if the dragon isles are cloaked using titan tech similar to uldum before cata?

What if MOTHER by her self isn’t powerful enough to locate the titanic tech used to cloak them?

Wrathion then seeks out the assistance of the world greatest technological minds to help juice up MOTHER and find the isles. He journeys to Undermine and employs the help of the tinkers union, who is now made up of not just goblins, but all tech savvy races. So gnomes, mechagnonee, LFD, Draenie, maghar, forsaken, belves, etc…

They succeed in combining their most sophisticated tech with mother’s and unlock transportation between undermine and the dragon isles.

As payment for their services, wrathion funds the tinker’s union, helping expand their technological prowess, knowledge, and influence, creating the next wow class. The tinker.

Undermine is now the new oribos, connected to the isles via mother’s tech and the TU.

And that’s how Tinkers would fit into the main them of the expansion

The class is available to all races, since knowledge isn’t restricted to just a handful, if you can be an engineer you can be a Tinker.

Engineering is revamped to make it so anyone can use their gadgets, showing the difference between simple tech, and mastery of tech combat of the Tinker that only a Tinker can do.

Has 4 specs. 3 mech piloted specs, ranged DPS, tank, healer. And one 1 non piloted melee spec that summons robots and turrets to fight for you. Essentially a melee demo lock with a tech skin.

Mechs are able to use the skins of mech mounts as the Tinkers are able to weaponize them. So if you’ve unlocked the Gmod, lightforged Warframe, fel steel golem, etc, then you can fight as them.

Or you know, there also the bard because reasons. “Retches”


Please God give my Rogue a dodge/parry based tank spec I’ll literally become a Mythic Raiding PvE fiend.

Right now I don’t touch PvE at all, this would convert me real quick.

**don’t take Outlaw away though Outlaw PvP is so fun lol


I’ve made a 4th spec thread where outlaw is now a tank spec while rogues get a ranged assassin spec.

No one uses outlaw in seriously pvp anyway.

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say sike right now

I literally do, it’s amazing for warmode / dueling / city raids

It’s the best 1v1 spec for Rogues right now, I beat every melee class except for ret pally and guardian druid.


That’s why is said seriously. You can’t really expect to climb up rating as combat.

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This is the one single thing that would cause me to delete my characters and cancel my subscription: Blizzard adding a Tinkerer class.


Why? Tinkers are already part of the lore and we’ve yet to get a tech based fantasy class.

There’s so much you can do with it.


Bro this entire game doesn’t revolve around rated content, that’s like trying to design the entire game around Mythic content (which Blizz has been doing, and look at how badly received it has been)

Also I climb to 1800 every season with Outlaw, I haven’t tried to climb past 1800 though cause at that point finding a group on Alliance just takes way too long.

Higher you go the more hours you spend waiting on LFG then actually playing the game.

I will admit it’s not good for Arena though, which is fine cause it’s amazing for domination maps for RBG. Every spec has their niche.


please go back to mmo-c.


Well the thematic gimmick of outlaw is a swashbuckler which is what you described as what an optimal rogue tank would look like…

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And not have blizz read my genius? Then again I don’t wanna end up with a dart in my neck since I’m so in tune with their future plans.

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I’d be unbelieveably disappointed.


Nah dude give us like a “Blade Dancer” tank spec or something. Outlaw Rogues are supposed to be gunslinging brawlers.

A Rogue tank would have to be something more elusive. They’re in leather, and not magically infused like a demon hunter, they’re gonna be squish.


Outlaw is all that plus pirate theme. Haven’t you ever seen the sword play in pirates of the Caribbean? That’s pretty much what a rogue tank would look like.

But that’s just my two cents papi.

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Over what, bards? Cuz dark rangers or Necro won’t be a thing if they weren’t in SL.

Honestly I’m scared they’re actually gonna turn Outlaw into a tank spec, we got some really cool new PvP talents this patch that make us beefy and give us almost 100% uptime on feint which is beautiful.

I’d be so sad though, don’t get me wrong I play all three specs depending on the mode / map we get, but Outlaw is hands down my favorite for PvP, I feel like a duelist.

Look if 4th specs happen then you’d most likey get a sweet range spec. Imagine playing a stealthy ranged assassin archetype. Sounds fun to me.

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I want tinker to be goblin / gnome exclusive.


Rogues and warriors should get ranged specs.

I’ve thought for years that they should change Sub into a Dark Ranger themed spec.

Fourth specs would be acceptable too.

I would love that but I feel like marksmen hunter kind of killed that possibility. They got the “stealth/sniper” type of spec I’d hope Rogues would have gotten. The way they play in battlegrounds remind me a lot of a Starcraft Terran Ghost.

We can still hope though :pray:

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