To Tinker H8ters

Honestly, I hate the name. It sounds stupid to me, like they fished it out of a Fisher Price book of names. Call it something else, anything else; Mechanist, Scrapper, Metalsmith, Ironworker, idc. Anything but tinker.

That doesnt mean anything when it translates into online WoW - aka a online game. in roleplay wow, I can be a high elf with a bit of human and mastery over fel and void and summon all demon kind. yet that wouldnt make sense in online wow.

I don’t hate Tinkers but as far as being interested in playing a new class goes it’s pretty down my list. Never was much into artificers.

anyone but stinky, greedy, corporate goblins

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I want a healer with a pet, either tinker or fourth warlock spec (healing succubus) seem perfect for it but either idea gets a whole lot of forum pushback.

I never knew that we had Tinder haters but it’d make sense, somewhat. :flushed:

The existence of alchemists didn’t stop them from giving rogues a healing potion button.


its just 1 skill, not a whole alchemy class.

its not really a hate but more of a meh feeling, why do tinkers when you could do something way cooler?

a tinker is just a pet class that makes stuff, kinda cool but a necromancer or a bard is cooler. I’m not against new classes at all but tinker is the bottom barrel for me. I wont be mad if its added but I’ll always want something better first

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Because I think that adding thinkers is the easy way out, and will keep the Engenieer profession as barebones as it is. I would prefer if thy reworked the profession and add a lot of the thinker things to it.

But we can’t have nice things because otherwise world first degenerates will break everything and made the average player pay for having fun

I already said it, at least it’s not a worse idea than a disgusting one only class Evoker no Dragon Drackthyr.

and also for the dps it would be between a caster or range survivor, it is not the same when it varies according to the race, like Goblins and gnomes using rockets, Belfs with something more JRPG similar to Sage in FFXIV, and the Dranei with a variation of magic technology depending on crystals.

All that would be good from a race like the Shaman would be worth the appearance of this class.

in fact, If it was the caster mode, I would have called it between Geas, Techno Engineer or Sage.

In tank, it would be mecha driver.

And in heal more than alchemist, it would be medic engineer, anyway there is a great imagination for a class that is asking for a lot and Blizzard once ignores it.

Engineers exist.

Because you’re almost as noisy as the high elf crowd.

Average low IQ anti-tinker response: We have engineers already hur hur!

If someone builds airplanes, that’s the same thing as knowing how to pilot an airplane, huh? No? Same thing with tinkers. Engineers build technology, tinkers specialize in using technology.


You have tinkers they are called engineers.

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All of those except Mechanist would make it sound more like a blacksmith.

Tinker is the established name for the class and has been for years. Mechanist would make a good name for a spec focused on the tinker’s robot backpack abilities though.

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Not only that, but something existing as a profession doesn’t make it a usable schtick. Noth the Plaguebringer and Professor Putricide are alchemists, but training alchemy won’t allow you to play a character like them. Same as engineering won’t make you into Mekkatorque, Gazlowe, Thaelin, Mimiron, etc.


So are Tinkers the new High Elves?

you mean the engineer profession?

Also, i would prefer a bard class so i can be a nuisance to everyone

no, no, no… It happens when you choose an ignorant and tree-loving race that doesn’t care if it burns down their treehouse.

First, STOP COMPARING PROFESSIONS BETWEEN ENGINEERING AND ALCHEMY, it’s like saying that mage is Enchating in class or herbolist is Druids in profession.

Second, the fact that the Tinker was seen much earlier in HotS and Warcraft 3 itself, it’s time to bring this class back and for Blizzard to leave other cringe classes like the Evoker that doesn’t make sense within the lore of Azeroth just because The new devs want to invent their own game, totally appropriating an IP that was never original to them.


what if you become a blacksmith