Add Tinker Class - As we get Tinker Gear with new friend system

Hello everyone,

I would like to propose a way to introduce the Tinker class into World of Warcraft (WoW).

Firstly, the Tinker class could be a hybrid class, combining elements of engineering, magic, and melee combat. The class could have a unique resource system, such as steam or gears, which would be used to power their abilities.

The Tinker class could have several specializations, including a tanking specialization that focuses on using mechanical contraptions to absorb damage and control enemy aggro. This specialization could be called the “Ironclad” or “Mechatank” specialization.

Another specialization could focus on ranged damage-dealing, using guns and other ranged weapons combined with mechanical gadgets to deal damage and apply various debuffs and crowd control effects. This specialization could be called the “Gunner” or “Artillery” specialization.

Lastly, a support or healing specialization could be introduced, which would use mechanical gadgets to heal allies, restore resources, and provide utility effects. This specialization could be called the “Mechanic” or “Tinkerer” specialization.

To implement the Tinker class, new areas could be introduced in the game world that are dedicated to engineering and tinkering, such as cities or workshops. Players could complete quests and earn reputation with these factions to gain access to Tinker-specific gear and abilities.

In terms of race options, the Tinker class could be available to several races, such as Gnomes, Goblins, Dwarves, and maybe even Humans or Orcs.

Overall, the Tinker class has a lot of potential to add new gameplay mechanics and depth to World of Warcraft, and I hope that this proposal is considered for future expansions or updates.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


It’s called Engineering and it’s a primary profession, not a class.


I would love a Tinker Class! I’m amazed we don’t have one already.
We have Tech themed races, Tech themed Zones, tech themed raids, Tech themed dungeons, tech themed quests

But no tech themed class.
Please let us play as Tinkers! It’s one of the only Fantasies we’re missing!

Ehh. A class would do a much better job of fulfilling the Gun using, Mech suit fantasy we see Tinkers in WoW use. Like Gazlowe or Mekkatorque


If I could be a Goblin and Tank in a mecha, I’d reroll instantly! That’s so cool.

It’s so lame that you can play as a Goblin or a Gnome but you can’t be a tinker.


In World of Warcraft, each race has its “appropriate” class, such as:

  • Appropriate classes for Blood Elves are Mages and Paladins.
  • Appropriate class for Worgen are Hunters.
  • Appropriate classes for Orcs are Shamans and Warriors.
  • Appropriate classes for Humans are Death Knights, Paladins, and Mages.
  • Appropriate classes for Night Elves are Druids and Priests.
  • Appropriate classes for Undead are Warlocks and Rogues.

However, the Goblin and Gnome races do not have a truly appropriate class that fits them. A Goblin Warlock just doesn’t seem to fit, and a Gnome Warrior sounds silly.

By introducing a Tinker class, we could fill this gap and provide a class that truly fits these races.


Playing through the gnome starting zone feels so weird, it’s all about machines and tinkering and you’re supposed to just play a Mage or something?


I’ve been dreaming about a Tinker themed class for almost 20 years!

Yes please :robot: :rocket: :toolbox: :hammer_and_wrench: :clamp: :wrench: :nut_and_bolt: :gear:

The new Goblin Sapper gear from the new Recruit a Friend looks so good! Just need a Goblin Tinker class and I’m all set!


You all know the deal. More Mechagnome customizations, then Tinkers

Thank you for yet another thread like this.


But the Tinker fantasy is embodied with Engineering. :~)

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i think it’s unfair that i can be a pandaren but there’s no Brewer class

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Yeah, just like when they put archaeologist gear in recruit-a-friend, they added archaeologists as a class.



Are mecha gnomes popular? If not then no.

The tinker class has been widely talked about in WoW spaces for years. At least since Ulduar, so we’re talkin over a decade. The Class design team doesn’t want to do it because of what seems like obvious reasons at least to me. Powerful class fantasy reasons.

What are those reasons specifically? I want to know.


There’s no ‘inner power’ with a tinker. Take warriors or shamans or warlocks or mages. They all funnel their anime rage, for lack of better terms, to bring glorious destruction! Or healing. Or tanking. What do you get with tinker? Eh… layed down a bomb trap my shaman killed with lightning. Not very fun.


Well sure there is.

Like you said, A Warrior has Anime Rage, Mages have the Arcane, Shamans have the Elements. A Tinker has their Intellect.
“You Face the Pinnacle of Gnomish Technology!”

Like when we Fought Mekkatorque or King Mechagon. Our Abilities VS Their Genius.

That’s the whole point of Characters like Iron Man, or an Artificer in D&D. You’re known for being Really smart and having a lot of gadgets. You can take away their fancy Mech Suits, or their gadgets and weapons. But ultimately it’s the person underneath that is special, Because They’re a genius who can make something out of nothing.


Im sorry bro but It doesn’t fit the class fantasy. A niche is all it would ever be.


how many times do you have to be told no?


Blizzard can’t even handle the classes they have now.

No more classes until they prove they can manage the ones they’ve got.

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That’s really subjective, sorry.
I think the Class Fantasy of Tinker is way cooler than any class we actually have. Like Wayyyyy cooler. Piloting a Mecha and Blasting enemies with a gun, Turrets, and missiles would be dope. Too much boring Overlap as is.
It would also be super unique. Among the class we have.

This has never once been a good excuse in my opinion.