To Tinker H8ters

You had 3 new melee/tank classes in a row.

Then there’s 1 new ranged/healer and you loose your minds and go all karen all over the forums.

Tank is still the least common spec. I’m not sure why the hostility but reporting you anyway.

Tank is tied for having gotten the most new specs out of any role since vanilla with melee.
Healers 3rd, ranged dead last with +0 (remember that ranged lost a spec in Legion)

Okay and? I’d be happy for them to have a ranged DPS spec as well. I’d just really like a new tank spec and Tinker would be a really interesting tank… Calling me a “Karen” or assuming I’m out crying about tanks is just bizarre and rude. I don’t get what your problem is.

This was not the reaction to evokers being ranged/healer only.

So you just assume everyone else agrees with that and get mad at someone for wanting more tank options? Dude… lol. I’m done. Good luck. There’s room for a ranged DPS spec and tank spec in one class and that would be ideal.

I don’t think anyone really cares that evoker doesn’t have a tank spec just for the sake of having a tank spec. They care that it doesn’t have a tank spec because it is a perfect thematic fit for a black dragonflight spec, and just dragons in general. The number of tanks we’ve had through new classes is irrelevant. If we got warrior without Prot as a new class today instead of evoker people would be just as rightfully upset that warrior didn’t come with a sword and board tank spec.

A tinker missing any of a tank, melee dps, or ranged dps would be just as much of a class fantasy mistake as Augmentation not being a tank.

But the gameplay that tanks want is fundamentally incompatible with the core gameplay design of the evoker class. Dragon tanks are a thing, but they are not evokers.

How? Evoker abilities can all be used at melee range still, and tanks aren’t allergic to mobility. There’s nothing inherently incompatible with tanking about them. You’d have to argue this same point for every tank class that can also spec into ranged or heals.

So you’d (as a tank) want to deal with cast times and empowered spells that both have a cast and force you to be stationary or you get nothing?

Just thinking about using empowered spells as a tank, it would be absolutely unviable in M+/some raid bosses.

Why do you think they’d have to deal with cast times? Obviously their basic rotational abilities would be changed to fit and they’d get new abilities to fill the gaps just like current Augmentation is getting. It’s not like Druid tanks have to deal with cast times on all their stuff just because resto and balance exist.

And for empowered spells they could just get a passive that prevents spell delay or allows them to channel while moving or something. If they wanted to go further they could even make empowered spells do their damage and provide some other defensive benefit while you channel, and they get stronger the longer they’re up. Imagine breathing waves of dragonfire over your target rather than just the single burst they do now. If you haven’t seen it, look up the ability “Neltharion’s Fury” from the prot warrior artifact. THAT is what an evoker should be able to do with their breath and would be a perfect fit for an evoker tank.

Again, it’s a matter of being a perfect fit for class fantasy. Any incompatibilities existing evoker design might have with a tank spec come down to a lack of imagination rather than any actual mechanical incompatibilities.

so what do Tinklers do???

  1. Mech Suits like Mekkatorque or Blackfuse for fighting (faux vehicle).
  2. Deploy robotic summons such as turrets, pocket factory, various types of robots.
  3. High Tech weaponry like missiles, time bombs, lasers, machine guns
  4. Mech can transform into various forms of transportation.

Sooooooooo. A druid? But with more beep boop? Pass.

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We have enough invasive technology at home. No thanks.

I’m okay with tinker as long as it’s not called tinker and all specs involve mech piloting

I wouldn’t be surprised if part of the reason Blizzard has given customization to warlock summons is to prime/prepare players for a new class with a similar feature… say bot building/customization!

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There’s a huge segment of players on the forums that screech and yell any time you suggest a change to the game. Change scares old people so they get really mad when you suggest things like this.

“Another gersh dern class I gotta learn? puh… no… I’d rather deprive all other players of the OPTION to play that class fantasy than put that potential burden on myself”

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why do you want to be a tinkler

your really reaching just to desperately see a tinker class.