The Horde: A Different Type of Heroism


Didn’t inhabit the forums much at that time but I heard. Know what I don’t see every time I hop on forums? Complaints about Horde mismanagement. Care to guess what I DO see every time? Night Elves ticked about Teldrassil.

Once again not sure why people want to win the Squeeky wheel award. The Night Elf player-base literally gets derided for it. Not exactly fair to them wanting issues addressed but any way.

The Horde does. So does the Alliance. The two factions should be playing off each other in shifting rolls of antagonist. Don’t get me wrong, I hate the whole faction war nonsense. It is old and over done. However so long as there MUST be a faction war, it should be rotating between the two. So in a sense on some level yes the Horde deserves the bat. But ooooh boy. The Alliance deserves a good batting.

That’s what I always do. I’ve got a long, looooong track record for it. Go ahead and look it up. Heck I even called out the opinions that some hold that loyalist Horde should have their characters locked or deleted literally two days ago. The Dev’s and writers are complete shiz when it comes to writing good fiction. The only remotely interesting plot point is one with the Kyrians and fixing their forge thingy. Everything else I’ve seen is bad.

And frankly I only respond harshly towards those who demonstrate a consistent and unrepentant hostility to other forum users. People like that are not worth offering the full extent of my patience to. Topics can get heated sure. But consistent hostility is… Destructive to functional debate. Healthy debate is hard to accomplish when people are talking past each other. I have a hard time understanding why so many argue like it is life or death. WoW is a poorly written and in some places poorly coded video game. Old news. Just like water being wet. Or winter is cold.

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90% of the threads are Ethriel or Kyalin lmao

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No, I’m afraid that’s not true. We just post the threads that get the numbers - probably because there’s a weird cabal here that’s weirdly invested in telling us that nothing is wrong and that we shouldn’t want anything more - and that if we disagree then we clearly just want the Night Elves to be gods and that we can never be satisfied.

Her argument was that Alliance complaint threads are more numerous and thus shifts the devs to your favor.

Also yes, most Night Elf centered threads are either yours or Ethriel’s.


Does the Horde have their own “singer”? Or would the term “soloist” be better? That is, someone to whom you can write off the creation of topics. The Horde has a longer list of publishers, but their “passion” is lower.
This is probably the wrong logic. Also short. Yes, it’s not logic at all. Mda.

Let’s look at the ten most recently updated threads

Teldrassil is inescapable


Night elves did not descended from trolls

Not Ethriel or I - Exception noted

Looking to the future for Night Elves

Not Ethriel or I - Exception noted

(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

Not Ethriel or I - Exception noted

Should Tyrande be a Boss or will she go be Winter Queen?

Not Ethriel or I - Exception noted

(spoilers) 9.1 Tyrande cutscene (lol)


What would a night elf name her wolf?

Not Ethriel or I - Exception noted

Night Elves and the Alliance


Spoilers: Elune’s Identity and more

Not Ethriel or I - Exception noted

I'm So confused Elune lore

Not Ethriel or I - Exception noted

Conclusion: Out of the ten threads tested, 3 were created by Ethriel or myself, representing a figure that’s both below the 90% figure provided earlier, as well as the “50%+1” standard defined by “most”.


Breaking my statement about not responding any further which I am sure to regret.

Did not say that. I said that the Horde on average doesn’t complain as MUCH. Not that they do not complain. Two completely different statements.

If the devs were in the Night Elves favour it wouldn’t always be about them having everything they value taken away. Just like if the dev’s favoured the Horde they wouldn’t have a revolving door on the war chiefs.

The problem is that the current people developing WoW have no idea what they are doing. One of the head devs has the hots for Sylvanas so she is the focus until he can give her some stupid Kerrigan redemption arc. Meanwhile the Alliance leaders all standing around holding their loins because they lack the sense to fill a thimble never mind lead a war.

The only character/faction that Dev’s favour is that damned Banshee that should have stayed dead at ICC! She outlived her arc. They were literally rewriting lore to keep her.

“Oh she’s not evil! It’s her splintered soul!”. So what we kill the splinter and rescue her other shards? Where did I… Oh right! I made comment about that some weeks back about it being like a reverse on Games Workshop Warhammer 40K Magnus. In his back story his evil shard tries to or succeeds in killing his good shard while his noble shard merges with someone else.

Both terribly contrived but for different reasons. Magnus’s to make sure the fans know he is pure evil forever more. Sylvanas… is just a pathetic love quest attempt.

Totally of topic but how did you do that?

When I went looking for threads earlier, using basic and advanced I came up with 50ish threads total no matter what I punched into the advanced settings. Mostly relying on the algorithm to handle itself.

The search was admittedly manual, nothing flashy there, I just went down the list and picked out the first ten night elf threads that I could find.

“I’m so confused about Elune lore” is not a complaint thread about the Alliance.

Grandblade’s thread about the cinematic is not a complaint thread about the Alliance.

Night elf naming her wolf is not a complaint thread about the Alliance.

Night Elves evolutionary troll thread about troll origins is not a complaint thread about the Alliance.

So my statement stands.

Which is irrelevant. Because most alliance people play night elves as most belfs in horde. Forums reflects a minority of community.

The subject at hand is “who complains more on the forums” based on the logic that “Alliance complains more and thus do not get the villain bat”, do try to stay on topic.

I let you move the goalposts once, but not this time. This was your first statement:

“the threads” being an undefined term. Then you provided subsequent definition:

Emphasis mine.

The items tested were within the established scope.

Further, your additional screen (which, again, I am not accepting) was inconsistently applied. There are four other threads that would be disqualified under the framework that you used.

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Incorrect, it was responding to:

Do learn to scroll up cherie.

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If you were responding to that, then your claim was a non sequitur. Regardless, my tests still covered the explicit scope that you set.

Nope, you barged into an ongoing conversation developing over the past three hours, read before you reply.


The prior conversation had nothing to do with the specific claim that you made, a claim that turned out not to be true.

How will you keep statistics? Limit yourself to the top of the month, isolate the Horde and night elf topics, and then you will analyze each topic, is it a complaint, a question, or a statement about the night elves or the Horde? Then there will be a selection from the Horde, should I count only topics dedicated to the Horde, or consider topics dedicated to a particular race?

Incorrect, it is refuting the claim that Alliance complains more than the Horde regarding the story, in turn a parallel refutation of the claim that complaining affects the story.

Learn 2 read

I imagine that you’d need to do a dump of the topics by OP - and have a fuzzy match system to accommodate Baalsamael’s changing parameters.