(spoilers) 9.1 Tyrande cutscene (lol)

What can I say besides that I’m about to throw up? :face_vomiting:
This must’ve been the least effort they ever put into a cutscene, not even a pre rendered cinematic, guess this just isn’t as important as Anduin talking to Sylvanas. And no, I’m not talking about the lack of a dialogue.

To give you an idea how little effort they put into this, let me show you this Ashenvale cutscene they created as a bug fix for the Kodo getting stuck: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_zFCpSHbcc

Atleast the quality and effort of this cutscene matches with the effort put into the Night Elf story as a whole. Guess this is the final middle finger and their way of showing that they don’t care, and that they aren’t willing to put any ressources or effort into Night Elf content that isn’t negative for them.
Colour me surprised (not).
And no, there isn’t another cutscene coming after that, because why the hell would they make half of the ritual like this, and then give the other half a cinematic? That doesn’t make sense.

I have noticed that the night warrior arc ends the same way it started. With no effort, no love and no ressources wasted:



Dude, this is before the actual cinematic. I was about to throw a rant too… but you know, I can use the old brain capsule.

Moreover, it’s a work in progress, and not meant to be viewed.


The only thing subject to change is the audio, and it could have the best music and dialogue ever and it wouldn’t be good.

Why would half of it be an ingame cutscene, and the other half pre rendered?

It’s pretty obvious that there’s a cinematic after it. We are to be shown Elune speaking, Tyrande’s eyes changing, and the Tear of Elune forming.


It’s not really looking so good so far, all that being said, and while I would like to give the benefit of the doubt in most situations, those involving Blizzard are not among them. I’ve been let down too many times and for too long.

I suppose they do have gaps to fill, but it confuses me that this is a standalone cinematic that wasn’t released as a part of the supposed larger one.


Unrealistic expectation.


Are we collectively missing the huge “WORK IN PROGRESS” and fact there’s a rendered cutscene after??? Are we just collectively deciding to ignore it???


No, we’re providing feedback on a draft document.

Feedback is often the most useful when something is in draft - that means you can get your suggestions in before it goes through the governance and finalization process.

This kind of thing is obvious in every setting except apparently this one.


This is very obviously something that happens before an actual cinematic lol.


When the complaint is “this has no effort” when it’s a WIP before an actual cinematic the feedback holds no weight.


As discussed in the other thread (yes, there’s already another thread), the idea that there’s a follow-up cinematic is a prediction, not a fact.

I disagree - that’s an expression of consumer sentiment. Marketers tend to kill for that.

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I mean no, it’s not.

They clearly talk about an event that is NOT in this in-game cutscene but happens after some kind of event occurs.

  1. There’s clearly a cinematic.
  2. Complaining without offering anything else is just complaining, not feedback.
  3. I want my Voljin mpreg cinematic before I ever have to stomach seeing Tyrande again as a horde player.

Which is not itself evidence that the event takes place in a cinematic, or even onscreen. I respect that you have basis for a prediction, however again, we are lacking a metadata element or the cinematic itself that would get us from “prediction” to “proof”.

You are, quite literally, taking the most bad faith take about this in order to complain. And people should rightly ignore nonsense like that.

Y’all are as bad as the Sylvanas simps my god.


Nelf fans and bad faith arguments name a more iconic duo.


It’s more that I’m not giving Blizzard the benefit of the doubt having been an eleven-year observer of their more recent trends with Night Elves. Might there be a cinematic? Sure, but will I presume without that evidence that it must necessarily exist? No.

Ayrenn #3 what the why would you how could what makes you what

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If there is no cutscene after this in-game cinematic, its not like, “Oh the scene would still work.”

No, it wouldn’t. It would make absolutely no sense. Literally incomprehensible. You’d be standing there going, “Wait…what?” Like how everybody was when the dialogue was datamined before knowing the whole context.

Even for as bad as Blizzard has been about the story, which is very, this is ridiculous on its face. I donno why I’m even trying with you but yeah, when the cutscene comes out, make sure to come back with all the fervor you are in here admitting how wrong you are.

You’ll do that, right?


There’s nothing to be wrong about here. I’m not the one making a prediction, you are. If information comes out to validate that prediction tomorrow, I could agree with you that at that point in time evidence exists to back your assertion, however that does not change that at this point in time that evidence is not adequate. In the meantime, I am not stating one way or the other that there will or won’t be a cinematic. My assertion is that I don’t know, and that we don’t have enough information yet to know.

As for something not making sense being an impediment, I disagree that it would be. Blizzard historically has not been constrained by things like that.