Should Tyrande be a Boss or will she go be Winter Queen?

I made some Threads about Tyrande and most of them were not really good including one of them that wasn’t the best. Now as much as I dislike Tyrande and Sylvanas. I would like to atleast see something interesting from both of them other than what they are now. Which brings to the topic at hand in the title.

Will Tyrande Whisperwind lose herself to blind rage and hatred to be a Raid Boss or Will She go from Night Warrior to pretty much finding peace within her soul and become the Winter Queen of Ardenweald? I thought it would atleast be kind of interesting giving the fact about Ardenweald in the datamining and of course a lot of theories about Winter Queen, Night Warrior and etc.

What will Tyrande’s Fate be in Shadowlands? I may not be a fan but I can see why alot of people really want to see Tyrande do something in the story other than what she was from the past expansions. Do you guys want Tyrande to be a Winter Queen or something else? Your Thoughts Folks.

I want her to be the leader of the kaldorei and not be a raid boss at all, she’s done nothing to merit or deserve it, nor can I imagine she’ll do anything to deserve it in Shadowlands.

If Sylvanas can last from Cata aaaaall the way to now without being made into a raid boss, then Tyrande certainly doesn’t deserve to be one. Her rage is 100% justified against the Horde in general, and quite frankly it’s annoying enough that her ire is being hamfistedly focused on Sylvanas and Sylvanas alone.

She should find a measure of peace, keep her status as High Priestess, reconnect with Elune, and then return to Kalimdor, and never let any member of the Horde set foot in Kaldorei lands again.


If I were writing the story, and if I wanted to maintain some plausible sense of both factions having a legitimate beef with each other for the sake of flavor and the inevitable future faction war, I would have Tyrande lean into the Night Warrior persona despite everyone around her trying to talk her out of it. Have her go full-Jaina (before Jaina became NuOldJaina in BfA). Have it be a devestating, heart-breaking moment where she fully abandons her previous passivity to become more “villainous”

But this is Blizzard and Tyrande will see the error of her ways and forgive the Horde and ask Anduin to forgive her.

I don’t see her becoming the Winter Queen. I think the Winter Queen is going to end up being a far more pedestrian and less interesting character than some theories think.

Through thing about that is there was once Tauren that was part of the Cenarion Cycle and since they are part of the Horde wouldn’t that also cause a in fighting in the Druids in Val’sharah and in Moonglade/Mount Hyjal if the Tauren were killed on the same way as the Orcs and etc who joined the horde.

The story has, unfortunately, made the Tauren one of the most hypocritical races in the game, and the Cenarion Circle is a Kaldorei group that allowed other races to join up. They quite literally cannot afford to have anyone even remotely tied to the Horde in their territory, because it could mean their extinction. They let their guard down in regards to the Horde twice now, and it’s resulted in thousands of them dying.

The Tauren and Trolls can make their own Druidic circles in their own lands.


Considering the Winter Queen is a role that encompasses things that far eclipse Night Elf or Elune themes, I don’t see why Tyrande would be a good fit for that.

The Winter Queen is supposed to facilitate the rebirth of all Wild Gods, including Troll Wild gods. Tyrande is a heavily biased character with a massive grudge against the Horde and now she’s going to help revive their gods? Why would anyone want that?


Honestly, I think Tyrande’s fate was sealed the second she didn’t trust the Horde anymore after they wiped out her people and sent them all to hell.

I don’t think Tyrande can be saved from being killed off now that she stepped out of line - may it be as a villain or a not.


If Blizzard’s learned anything from the amount of backlash and uproar they got from Battle for Azeroth, it’d be that killing Tyrande after burning Teldrassil, creating Forsaken Kaldorei, and giving an extremely piss poor excuse for “vengeance” would be an absolutely terrible idea.

Frankly, I don’t believe at all that Tyrande is going to die. If we’re to presume correctly, several recognizable characters are stuck in the Maw (like Jaina), and it falls to us to rescue them. I believe Tyrande falls into that category. Past that, I can’t see them killing off Tyrande in a story that’s meant to give the Night Elf’s struggles some closure.


What about the whole shtick about the narrative being worked out far ahead of time?

If we take Blizzard at their word, then any feedback (that makes it into the dojo) would arrive far too late to cause a change in direction if those elements have already been iterated upon and form a foundation for the story in the next expansion post-Shadowlands.

Edit: I’m not refuting the direction you think things might head, simply that player reception would cause course alterations.

As if that has ever stopped them?

Well they never said anything about closure, that’s just what people assumed - could very well be more tragedy since they didn’t say anything else than Tyrande being in Ardenweald. From what’s datamined so far, nothing would suggest a positive closure.


According to datamines…


Tyrande will be depowered of Night Warrior powers in order to survive, and few other nelves will be used as a vessel to split said power, but they will use it to protect groves. (I don’t know if it’s in fearieland or in Kalimdor though).


Bahahaha yep Night Elves really got their money’s worth with the Night Warrior. So glad we got something back for genocide and losing our home.


you know the kaldorei was strong before the night warrior, jesus, remember all those threads of nelf players being mad there even was a night warrior thing, now we are to be mad we are losing it. Kek

Oh look Katiera’s at it again. No I’m not mad it’s going, I’m mad they considered it fair recompense for what happened and almost immediately threw it away without anything even remotely close to cathartic being done with it. This was supposed to be, if you’ll pardon the terrible reuse of this phrase, the Night Elf fist pump moment and it was anything but. We always thought it sucked and they just went and confirmed it.


the nelf fist pump moment is winning darkshore, if there is a night elf fist pump moment in shadowlands it will have nothing to do with tyrande being the night warrior, the night warrior is nothing more than a plot device to push tyrande character development She like every other character in this game, doesnt need it to do anything.

Oh we won did we? I’m so glad we got to see that reflected in game…oh wait! You think the Night Elves got something out off BfA but even their victory was removed from the game after being on the ptr.


it is

you act like everyone else got something more lol they didnt in fact nelves got way more than the forsaken. like if nelf players are some sort of special victim. Powerlevels dont matter, sylvanas herself has one shot all sorts of things, but when the story demands it a arrow cant kill genn.

Where does it happen? I don’t remember seeing it.

her shooting genn? In the legion cinematic for stormheim

What does that have to do with winning Darkshore?