What would a night elf name her wolf?

My TBCC night elf hunter got a tame on a wolf yesterday in blackrock spire. if a night elf recused a wolf what would she name it? should i just look at other night elf names and name it after a night elf? or would i name it after an object? or should i just look at cool non lore names?

For example, i already had a hunter cat and named it Moonlight.

Maybe the wolf could be Darkmoon? it is a black worg.


A Worgen.

Joking aside, something lunar is pretty typical, but you could also go for Goldrinn or a play on his name.

That or just make something up that sounds elvish. Dori’thur is the name of Tyrande’s owl for example. I believe there’s also some sources that have translations of certain Night Elf words. Maybe you could put something together through that.

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Normally, I name things by stealing from folklore or history, and altering them in some way.

My druid, Vani’ser, is a derived from the Vanir in Norse mythology. Altered just slightly. I did the same thing with an elf character I played in DnD named Aesir’ryn. Once again, derived from the Aesir in Norse Mythology.

Night Elves are a collection of multiple cultures. Norse, Greek, and Japanese. So maybe look into Wolves from the mythology of those places. Find one that sounds nice, and alter the name so it appears or sounds more Elf-like.

Take a cue from Raene Wolfrunner’s pet wolf:

Night elf names and animal names aren’t typical elven. Her cat’s name is Korra.

Also, first names for people and pets usually isn’t descriptive, with some exceptions like Shadowclaw e.t.c… but in most cases it is a “meaningless” name like Asha’lah or Jai’alator (which could have Darnassian meanings but not compulsorily)

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Genn, name it Genn.

What about Goldrinn ?