I'm So confused Elune lore

How strong is she ?

what is her purpose ?

does she come back to save her people and end sylvanas ?

i know she created the Prime naru , and taught kaldorei much , she is known through out the universe

she also made night warriors through out different worlds

but is she as strong as her sister? or is she in league of her own ?

i mean recent lore is trying to make it seem she is an eternal

is she like the oldest sibling?
could she be the strongest one ? XD

(kinda like Azeroth being the strongest titan )

was she supposed to be part of the shadow lands and she decided to leave ?

i hope 9.1 makes things clearer

I’ll take this one.

No one knows, and I’ll add that at this point, power levels are pretty meaningless. If you want to figure out who is going to win a fight, ask yourself what story the writers want to tell. It sucks but it’s the way it is.

Unclear, and it’s being debated as to whether she has one at all.

Depends on your perspective. She did empower Tyrande as the Night Warrior, and that debatably allowed her to, with the assistance of Shandris and the champion, rescue what appears to be the majority of the Kaldorei souls in the maw, but your question is pretty expansive and gets into a LOT of topics. We know that Tyrande is being benched for the Sylvanas fight more specifically, but there are also long term questions about what the Kaldorei are going to be going forward and whether their culture and way of life will survive.

I don’t think that her being the Winter Queen’s sister gives us any information about their relative powers, especially again given that power levels don’t matter.

That’s a theory, she could be.


For your own sanity, don’t. You’ll be hoping for a very long time. Blizzard has finely tuned the delicate art of upsetting people and letting them down into a science.


Personally, the ambiguity of what the hell Elune is, where the hell she came, where she is now in a physical sense, or if she even HAS a physical sense, etc. etc. is part of her appeal. With how demystified gods like the Pantheon have become in recent expansions, Elune’s mystery is refreshing.

At least that’s my take.


This is my speculation…

Elune is to be more on the level of the other Pantheons. Almost to the point where I think people are reading too much into the Power of Elune, or Aman’Thul (all Pantheon of Order) had been unjustly “weaken” by Blizzard.

  • By this I mean, Aman’Thul was equal to power as Sargeras, as Elune, as Zovaal, but something happened to remove that power.

Blizzard, not being 100% sure of where they were going with the story, had lead to the Pantheons all feeling as if they were of different power scales, but more importantly, weaker than they are meant to be.

Aman’Thul literally ripped an Old God out of Azeroth with his bare hands.

Argus the Unmaker, Denathrius, and now Zovaal are being presented as “killable” pantheon simply for game play reasons. (Something I believe to be a complete mistake.)

These should be titan forces that the Champions of Azeroth have no chance of defeating, it is their creations we should be fighting. (IE: Old Gods, Wild Gods, Pit Lords, Dread Lords, etc)

1.) First Ones created 6 cosmic forces; (Or maybe 3 that “spawned” the other 3)

  • Light -> Shadow
  • Life -> Death
  • Order -> Disorder

2.) From those cosmic forces, “Pantheon” either arose, or were put in place.

Cosmic Forces of Life:

  • Pantheons
    • Malorne, (plus whoever else)
      • Champions
        • Wild Gods

Cosmic Force of Light:

  • Pantheons
    • Elune, (plus whoever else)
      • Champions
        • The Keepers (Names Unknown)

Cosmic Force of Disorder:

  • Pantheons
    • Argus, Sargeras, (plus whoever else)
      • Champions
        • Kil’Jaden, Archimonde, Dreadlords, etc…

Cosmic Force of Death:

  • Pantheons
    • Zovaal, Archon, Primus, Winter Queen, Denathrius, (plus whoever else)
      • Champions
        • Dreadlords, Paragons, Draka, etc…

Cosmic Force of Shadow:

  • Pantheons
    • The Void Lords (Names Unknown)
      • Champions
        • Old Gods

Cosmic Force of Order:

  • Pantheons
    • Aman’Thul, Eonar, Norgannon, Golganneth, Khaz’goroth, Aggramar
      • Champions
        • The Players

While I believe a lot ties into Elune being connected to the Cosmic Force of Life, a lot of it could also be seen as the Light. The Light and Shadow of the Moon, ties into the Light and Void conflict, etc…

Her connection to the cosmic force of Life, is in relationship only. I think she, a Pantheon of Light, fell in love with Malorne, a Pantheon of Life. It is her offspring that is this combination of Life/Light. (See: Illidan, Cenarius, etc)

I believed Elune to be on the same level as the other pantheon, she was just the “leader” of the cosmic force of Light. All viewing each other as “siblings.”

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I mean, it gets my seal of approval.

Whether that relieves or horrifies you is up to you of course. :slight_smile:

It’s the Raiders who win Fights not the First Ones, Gods(Void Lords, Elune, her fellow Pantheon of Life Members and the Eternal Ones of the Pantheon of Death), Imitator Gods(Titans) and Demigods(Old Gods, Void Revenants, Demon Lords, the Lich King, Ordos, Elemental Lords, Dragon Aspects, Titan Keepers and Wild Gods)!

Aman’Thul had a large enough body to do so. Any attempt to shrink oneself in order to indulge in the pleasure of personally carving one’s ant-sized enemies with one’s bare hands is of course just begging to be killed in a Raid!

All current sources claim Elune is of the Pantheon of Life not Light.

The current Myths also insinuate that Elune is also the type to abandon her duties for the sake of her sister/daughter(Tauren have her as sister and Night Elves have her as Daughter) the Blue Child(implied to be the Winter Queen) so there could be an explanation as to why she is not inside the Emerald Dream(though where she could be is unknown though she could be in disguise due to thinking the Winter Queen would get angry at the sight of her).

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It’s a speculation, but there have been a few things that have lead me to believe she is more tied to Light than life.

  • The fact that it is said Elune created the Naaru
  • The attack on Revendreth
  • The conflict of Light vs Shadow (Night Warrior/Naaru’s being easily turned to shadow)
  • The Light aiding Anduin in The Maw

Velen believed that the naaru’s powers greatly resembled those of the moon goddess Elune,and Archmage Khadgar found in an ancient cosmology tome a passage indicating that the prime naaru may have been created by Elune during the great ordering of Light and Shadow.

The Stonewright being mentioned in 9.1 - Prince Renathal: My dear Stonewright, Harvester of Wrath, wielder of Elu–

So I’d have 3 speculations of Elune

  1. She’s a “first one” and was the one who created the Cosmic Forces of Light and Shadow
    • Whether this be through a since of split personalities, or maybe first one twins. She’s light, her twin is shadow, etc.
  • This would make sense in her having ties to the Light and Life and her being a threat to Zovaal.

  1. She’s the Pantheon of Life.
    • In the cosmic battle of Life vs Death, the Burning Legion tipped the scales in Death’s Favor, growing Zovaal’s Power.
    • In fear of Zovaal (death), she convinced the Pantheon of Order and the other Pantheons of Death (Primus, Archon, Winter Queen, etc) to imprison Zovaal and construct the Arbiter to take his place.
    • Zovaal now seeks revenge.

  1. She’s the Pantheon of Light
    • Elune is actually the Pantheon of Light, and is a “mad goddess” or a fanatic.
    • She creates the Naaru to be fanatic Light Worshipers, she wants everyone to love and follow her and offers power to them as long as they “worship” her.
    • Being a fanatic, she began killing other Pantheons, be that other Light pantheon, or even Life Pantheons and began to take over their roles.
  • Zovaal, being the Arbiter, realized other Pantheon were being killed by her, and before he could warn the others, she convinced them to imprison him first. This is why he is angry with them, along with seeking the Sepulcher.

  • Denathruis was “attacked” by the Light, (The Stonewright), and realized Elune was coming for him. He created the Dreadlords to help Zovaal escape. The story of the Legion, ultimately leading to Argus dying and disabling the Arbiter.

  • Zovaal seeks the Sepulcher, which houses the dead Pantheon, allowing him to either raise his own pantheon army, or resurrect the Pantheon Elune had killed.

As strong as the flimsy plot needs her to be.

Uhh now defined? To be killed.

I’d be surpised if it was that simple and without cost.

Irrelevant. She will be as strong as the story requires.

Ties back to what they want to do with the plot. They’ll make up something if they need her to be diminished or justify her power.

Unsure. Depends on plot twists.

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I’ll just answer a few based on 9.1 spoilers. Don’t read if you don’t want to be spoiled.

Around the same level as the Winter Queen and Archon.

No, Tyrande loses against Sylvanas in Ardenweald. The souls of her people are obliterated in the maw and we are told that we have to give up on seeking justice against Sylvanas.

She is on the same cosmic level as her sister, as part of a pantheon of life.

She is as weak as the Jailor. At least verylikley.

I would assume she will Look something similar to the Winter Queen and the Jailor. Rather boring.

I think it’s likley we will be getting more informations about her.

How strong is she ?
That is an unknown quantity, what can be said is she at least is Titan-class, and additionally seems to be active across the entire mortal plane, with many worlds worshiping her, and worship can be transformed into additional power.

what is her purpose ?
It is not certain. Her activity and general character would indicate her goal is the spread and sustaining of life across the Mortal Plane, and to upkeep the balance of life. He wrath is earned when that balance is violated.

She is also noted as possibly being the winter queen’s counterpart to the cycle of life and death for nature spirits, receiving the restored souls of both wild gods and loa and placing them back on their planets in new mortal bodies.

does she come back to save her people and end sylvanas ?
There is an indication she has some plan for the souls of the Kaldorei, which she has not yet revealed. It may have something to do with bringing balance back to the cycle of life or it might not.

I would not put it past them to further the Arthas parallel and have the “angry souls of the victims disabling the Lich King” moment for her raid fight be a rush of rescued Kaldorei souls for example.

i know she created the Prime naru , and taught kaldorei much , she is known through out the universe she also made night warriors through out different worlds but is she as strong as her sister? or is she in league of her own ?

Again an unknown, but she certainly seems quite capable. It is also worth noting we don’t know for sure she made the Prime Naaru. That was a theory of Khadgar; it is also possible perhaps the Tear of Elune just allowed us access to Xe’ra through her dreams or some such.

The Tears of Elune are really mysterious artifacts; likely the one on Azeroth known as a pillar of creation was used to shape the Emerald Dream by Freya, for example.

was she supposed to be part of the shadow lands and she decided to leave ?

She appears to be of the realms of Life, the “Brightlands” if you will. They may of been created at the same time by the First Ones, but assigned to opposite ends of the cycle of Life and Death became estranged. This lead to the Winter Queen feeling abandoned.

To put this to bed, Elune being an Eternal and not a First One comes from her being the sister of the Winter Queen (who is an Eternal, created by the First Ones.)

Her being of the Life pantheon rather than the Light pantheon is straight from the new guidebook Blizzard dis putting out for the Shadowlands, that says the Winter Queens rumored sister mirrors her and is tied to Life.

Elune creating the Naaru does not contradict this, as it makes sense it would take a member of the Life pantheon to bring life to the Light, which was probably previously populated by more abstract entities (if any). In bringing life to the Light, however, she also brought life to the Void, with the Naaru’s duel nature. That doesn’t make Elune a secret Void Lord, but it does make her extremely important to the cosmic struggle that’s going on.

Anyone else find it funny that elune stepped in to save like 4 dead guys and 1 living but let an entire tree burn down?


And let the rest be obliterated in the maw, and also got nothing done in general


The funnier thing is that she wanted them dead because apparently they will serve a bigger purpose.

That’s just a theory, but if that was her plan, then that failed miserably.

Its basically straight out said.

Not really, it’s just said that there could be a purpose for the handful of souls we saved

Elune wanted the souls to save ardenweald, the jailer wanted them for the maw.

Its stupid since Elune could probably have gotten said souls by just ordering the nelves to breed like rabbits and practice Blood sacrifices.

I mean

Its not like nelfs are like 10k years old or something and stay alive that long etc >.>

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Well, there was a part on the BfA “war” campaign where alliance could have a chance to ally with blood trolls. Not sure how much of those left, but there are backup san’layn that might be available for the task.

no, not at all :eyes:

gl hf