(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

This looks like it’s going to take place BEFORE a fully-fledged cinematic dedicated to Tyrande’s cleansing, as the Night Fae talk about stuff that doesn’t occur here in this one. Honestly, I just wanted to post this in a thread that didn’t come with unnecessary whining and misinformation. This cutscene is both a work in progress and only the first part of something.


What leads you to believe this? Do you have a source?


The quests following this refer to events, mainly involving Elune, that don’t take place in the cutscene datamined so far. There’s still a missing piece, and since we don’t see it datamined, it’s likely something chunkier.


Ok, so just to clarify, this is your prediction then. This is not something for which you have metadata, a developer statement, or other confirmed information that would evidence the presence of a second cinematic?


The fact that this cinematic has unfinished dialog, no music, no sound effects, very simplistic animation/camera work, leaves out all kinds of actual action and has a big red ex over it makes it clear that this is only part of a work in progress not the entirety of what’s going to be shown in game.


There are things that do not occur here that are referenced in the quests immediately following this. Metadata and dev statements aren’t necessary to understand that it’s not the complete scene. That’s not a prediction, that’s just literally acknowledging something occurred we haven’t seen yet.

If I watch a movie where two guys talk about going to get sandwiches, and then the very next scene is them talking about how good the sandwiches are, I can logically assume that they got sandwiches at some point. With what you are asking for, you would need to have concrete word from the director that the sandwiches existed to infer this.


This is called giving Blizzard the benefit of the doubt, something that I was willing to do on the back of similar statements many years ago. I am no longer so willing now because I have seen them weasel out of things that I similarly saw as obvious several times before, when it comes to Night Elf content especially.

So yes, I do require more complete evidence on this, especially given that this was released not as part of a larger cinematic, but as its own thing. It may be that the evidence turns up, and when it does, we can evaluate it. Until it does, I don’t think we can assume that it’s forthcoming.

That’s it. I wouldn’t want this thread to be beset by misinformation. Hence a cautious attitude and an evaluation of what we have as opposed to what we might have in the future is more appropriate.


It fades to black. It’s not called giving blizzard the benefit of doubt, it’s looking at how they’re obviously setting up a cinematic, figuring out that not all the pieces that the post cutscene dialog talks about, and likely correctly inferring that there is a cinematic missing.

Your religious fanaticism over your night elf victimization complex is pitiful.


It was released as its own thing because it’s an in-game cutscene, and commonly, bulkier cinematics like Ysera’s Rebirth or Renathal vs. Denathrius don’t get implemented until the patch hits live.

I am not giving Blizzard the benefit of the doubt by inferring that there is another scene that comes in-between the datamined cutscene and the quests afterwards - it’s just simply an objective truth. Something occurs that we don’t see - if this were ANYTHING ELSE, you’d acknowledge this, but because it involves Night Elves and you need to feed the victim complex, you don’t.


What you call a victim complex I call eleven years of experience. You’re also deploying a logical fallacy with the use of that term. Instead of engaging with the reasons for my doubt and providing something more concrete to address my skepticism, you’re making this about me. That’s improper argumentation.

Revisiting your sandwich example - it’s entirely possible that the characters instead go out and get empanadas and then in the next scene regret their choice because they’ve been to the sandwich restaurant before - whereupon they talk about how good the sandwiches at the place they didn’t eat at were. You do not have an inevitable, unavoidable requirement in the missing scene for what you described, and the same is true here. So again, please provide something more concrete, or call your prediction what it is: a prediction.

Again, this is supposed to be a misinformation-free thread. I critique other people (including a particular Night Elf fan) all the time for bandying about predictions as though they were facts. Consistency requires that I do so here as well.


Your race not only has 3 of the most powerful characters in Azeroth as defenders of it, but tons of demigods on your side, a true goddess whatever that means that intervenes when the plot deems relevant, books of development which is more than any other race gets, a history of imperialism in azeroth to the point that you dominated most of the known world in your empire, your army can singlehandedly take on an entire player faction, and your race sucks the air iut of the story so much when we always have to fight your villains, etcetera. You’ve been genocoded, most playable races have and are fine. You’re gonna be fine.


Show me how any of that ties out to anything that was said here about whether there would be a second cinematic.

We’re not debating the merits, there are none. Your entire post is a “Missing the Point” sampler on the items you’re raising. I want to address relevance here only.

There will be. Because there is OBVIOUSLY a piece of story missing.

You’re being disingenuous at best.


This post doesn’t connect to your last, and nor does it constitute proof that would change the assertion at the beginning of this post from a prediction to a fact.

ngl I’d rather this be scrapped entirely, have it be some in-game non-cinematic (winter queen poofs, Tyrande levitates, speech bubbles from Lady Moonberry) and then we go into the hypothetical cinematic (will likely be Standard Cinematic rather than Movie Cinematic like the Shadowlands trailer animation style)

These cringe close ups, both for this and for the other 9.1 cinematics (Helya, Jaina, etc) really demonstrate Blizzard is unapologetically proud of its wonky style (and it works, it really works for the game)

But this just looks bad lmao


source? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Part of me agrees, yeah. It doesn’t really add much in comparison to like… if they just said stuff while we could still control our character. Maybe they just don’t want you to leave before it starts.

I’ve already covered this repeatedly, but the quests immediately following this refer to events that do not occur in this cutscene. This is not the full thing.


I’m sorry about my rant on your race sucking the air out of the story as your players most infamous posters suck the air out of this forum.

You do know there’s a cinematic, and you’re arguing in bad faith if you pretend there isn’t.


So that is an assumption, and for that you needed to make a new thread because somehow think your assumption deserves its own thread rather than being an answer in an existing thread, because your opinion about it is somehow more important than everyone else’s opinion.

Your rant intentionally misses the point on just about everything you brought up. But it’s also a red herring from the topic being discussed. If you want to talk about bad faith arguments, don’t be the one trying to complete a checklist of “how many logical fallacies can I use in one argument”?

As for “pretending that there isn’t” a second cinematic, my position is not that I am confident that there certainly is not (and you should know that) - my statement is that I don’t have information sufficient enough right now to be confirm that there definitely will be. It is again a prediction, not a fact that’s being discussed.