Reserve Your Name in WoW Classic on August 12 at 3:00 p.m. PDT

Just one RP-PVP please :slight_smile:


I thought the implementation of phasing/layering was to prevent this so queues werent a thing. Were we lied to?

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No, just ignorant from the start.


Ignorant? How so? The main arguement for layering was exactly this.


Realm population stability after initial launch drop.

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Thats a big fat nope. It was explicitly stated it was for server stability, to alleviate long queue times, and also to help out with starting zones.

Your reasoning is an ancillary one, which is a plus, but not the main reason as was stated.

If you delete a character during the name reservation period, the name of the deleted character will be available for others to use right away. This is how it works in the live game as well. Only characters listed on the character creation screen will have their names reserved and you won’t be able to hold additional names by deleting characters.


No, it was never explicitly stated, ever. I dare you to find a blue post stating this. I’ve tried. And if you do i’ll eat my words and admit I am wrong.

However, I will agree with you that this was the first reason many people who were for layering at the beginning used as their go to rebuttal.

Without coming off like a dick. Did you watch the beta? There were server ques in beta. What made you think there wouldn’t be in live?

There is still a Realm Layer cap (probably 4, based on what they said).


Thanks for the update! I hope the “details” provide us with which datacenter in North America so our guild can make the logical and smart choice based on where we are all located throughout North America! Hyppppeeeeeeeeeeee!

This only works the same in the live game if the toon is below level 10 right? I’ve had to wait the 30 day name reservation period when transfering toons between accounts before. Just wanna make sure there’s no confusion here on this note

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Dude…Ion literally said it himself when they talked about layering. Here are just some examples of other blizz employees talking about it

Server stability was the #1 concern.

Also, why would i watch someone play a game? I don’t enjoy it, there are those who do, but i don’t. So no, i didnt watch anyone play beta.

This is the best “official statement”.

Timestamp: 3:54


Thank you, i must have missed this part.

Perfect. The only thing that isn’t answered is whether we’ll be able to see the server locations.

I am really excited about Classic!
psss… RP-PVP


I’m about 70% sure we won’t, but they may surprise us. However, we’ve never been able to officially know before either. The moment the servers are live however, people will be pinging them, and the info will be readily available.

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Lol. Oh Ion…

Ty. Ill watch the entirety when i get back home.

Wowhead and other sites will probably have the list and location right away.

I’ll be contributing to the WoWpedia page. As yet, we haven’t really got a Classic Focused Wiki of any worth.