Looking for M+ Pushers + Raiders who want more then AOTC

Enshadowed - US THRALL

Raid Days/Times: Tuesday and Thursday: 8:30pm(pull time) - 11:00pm (EST)

Contact Info: Bnet - Bnet:Rhystic#1626, DISCORD:
Bnet:Ree#1799, DISCORD: Kayliee#7155, Bnet:MrIgloo#1308,

Please note that for Season 4 we are just getting the mount and title(AOTC). not many are interested in the Fated raid and will be turning to Time-running (and you are welcome to join us for these raids) when it comes out. Most of our intent to recruit is for the upcoming Expansion.**


Enshadowed-US-Thrall is a semi-casual raiding guild, formed in 2008 on US-Wildhammer, then Stormreaver, and now Thrall in 2021. We are made up of players with a variety of experience in WoW, from vanilla to new players and most of us have been playing together for a long time over a decade.

We Achieve AOTC every tier and while getting “Cutting Edge” is not our main goal, we would like to attain the numbers and players who want to invest in going further than AOTC and down as many Mythic bosses as the season allows.

One of our requirements for this goal is raiders who are willing to do Mythic Plus, it’s part of our heroic raiding requirement. This is non-negotiable for Season 4 and beyond. You must also be active with the guild. Be social WE are a REALLY social Guild. NOTE: IF you are going to join and then just sit in your own discord and we never see you, do not bother, this is not the guild for you."

Please keep this in mind before inquiring**


(Just a note, while we are looking for players who want to do mythic bosses and higher keys, Anyone who wants to raid and stop at AOTC CAN apply. They do not need to go to Mythic.)

• Reliable DPS - bonus classes would be Mage, Spriest, Demon Hunter

• Full on Heals and Tanks for RAID. If you can flex dps for raid/tank-heal for Mythic plus then thats a bonus.

OVER ALL? Invested raiders and team members. We raid only 2 days a week and expect raiders not to be “raid loggers” who simply assume the raid will gear them and only sign on those days. Play the game. Be punctual, know your class and be courteous about showing up for raid and most of all be “chill” we want to down bosses but have fun doing so.

Only interested in Mythic Plus? We are certainly looking for more players to push keys.
This is a bonus. Being dual specced and having the ability to tank or heal is a HUGE plus.

What We expect:
Raiders must do Mythic Plus. If you do not enjoy it, that’s fine but this may not be the raiding guild for you.
• To be punctual and raid ready (food, flasks etc)
• Know your class, we provide logs but will not babysit your logs, up to you to improve.
•Don’t be a raid logger, The GM knows everyone, if they never met you…that’s a problem.
•Use our discord. We pay for it for a reason and encourage our guildies to use it as the home and to connect with other guildies. Play together.


There are no specific requirements for players who do not wish to raid. If you wish to pvp, do achievements, gather mats to your hearts content, tell us bad jokes in discord (we use discord A LOT in this guild…) you can have a home here.

Be an “altoholic” (we have tons of those)~ All we ask as that you be inclusive, nice, and mature. Returning players, Mythic Plus Busters and anyone looking for a home is also welcome to join and be part of our community. We just ask that you be active in discord. You will find that the guild tends to be chatty there and THAT is where you will find most of us doing content.

Want to know more! Just ask us!

bumping for updated needs.

Bumping for guild :smiling_imp:

Bump it up

updated for new needs.