[H&A] <Synchronicity>Recruiting Older Players

We are a guild looking for older people to chill and hang out with. Would love to see new faces going into the next season of TWW. What ever your interests are chatting,killing,farming,running dungeons and keys or raiding. We enjoy doing all things. No level requirements. It doesn’t matter what faction you are or what realm you’re on. Come and join us.


Hi I am going on 39 this month and looking for a guild as I just return to the game from WoW classic. I am interesting in your guild. I am willing to roll a dps class. Any dps class the guild needs?

Strong believer in playing what you enjoy most. Level what you like. Some will even want to be leveling the new race/class when it comes out. We have always been able to work with what we have at the time. Thank you for responding!!

Right now with the extra 50% xp buff leveling is really fast. Let us know if you have anymore questions!!

Thanks I am rolling a character on the realm right now. Going to make a elemental shaman I think with the same name.

Please let us know if you need an invite. Or just /who us in the game. Anyone can add you. I will also keep an eye for you when I make it online if I noticed you haven’t joined yet. Thank you again for your interest in our guild home.

Bump up to the top

Always looking to add new people.

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Hello, my friend and I are returning to the game and looking for a guild. We are interested in learning more about your guild. Do you guys raid and do mythic +? Would you have room for ret pally/evoker and boomkin?

Yes we do raid and mythic plus. We welcome all classes and have a few altoholics if you wanted to add any alts as well. Please let us know if you have any other questions.

You answered all my questions and will be rolling a dk on there now. His name is Jethrone. I look forward to joining.

Hello. I am looking for a new home for DF after a fairly long break. I am a chill guy looking to meet and hang with some new peeps. I really like to raid and do mythic+. Do you have Heroic raids planned? If so what days/times? I like to get the AOTC achieve or at least strive for it whilst doing mythic+(at least to 15 if not higher) and being around good folk in the process.

Aotc is not something we are focused on. If we get folks geared n they are willing to progress into it thats always an option. But at the moment we are more focused on just rebuilding and then seeing where everyone is at in terms of play times n ambitions.

I’ve been looking for a guild comprised of some older members. More interested in supporting guild than hours of raiding. What do you mean by older members. Members over 30? Over 50?

Yeah i would say the avg age is mid 40s in the guild. Are a couple members older, n couple younger. But it is comprised of dare i say middle aged folks that enjoy gaming together.

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thanks, lol middle age is great

I think so, old enough to know better but still young enough to not care when doing silly things lol

But if your interested just look for us in game or through the guild finder. And will get you an invite.

After all the downtime yesterday I just wanted to send this back to the top.

Ok back to the top it goes! :metal: