[H]&[A] <Synchronicity>Recruiting Older Players

Heya! I’m not a returning player but my scheduling has changed to where I can no longer actively participate in morning raid guilds. Been looking around a bit for a chill guild to level and more with. Raiding isn’t a priority atm for me though. Hitting my high 30s (38 soon) and want just a place to hang out and play the game.

Hell there!! We would be happy to have you join us. Please let us know if you have any questions. You can find us in game if you would like an invite or through the guild finder as well. Thank you so much for checking us out.

Bump it up

What server are you on

Wrymrest Sever. We do not RP but there are plenty of server events if that is something that you were interested in taking part in.

I’m very interested this looks like the kind of home I’ve been looking for.

I am interested in joining your guild. Do you guys need a ret pally and evoker when they can be made?

I’m looking for an older peeps guild. Im a returning player back about 2 months. I have a 60 WW monk in ilevel 233 and a 50 priest who was my main eons ago. I play the monk now but if you need heals I can help out. I like to play a lot in the day and raid when scheduled. Willing to transfer servers.

Please come and join us!!!

We welcome all classes. Some of us are altoholics. Can make what ever you enjoy playing.

Please come and check us out. Some of us are just coming back as well.

Old man here. Been playing everything since Vanilla beta to WOTLK Classic. Ready to move back to Retail but want to roll fresh and just hang with a cool, chill guild. Wyrmrest Accord Horde you say?

Yes you got it!! Look forward to meeting you.
If you don’t see one of us online you can use the guild tool blizzard provided. Type in our guild name in the search and you should see us there. Click join and we will invite.
Thank you for reaching out.

Thank you! When are raid times/nights?

Raid times are not set yet. Will work that all out after launch but will be in the evenings if during the week.

Thank you very much! I am deciding on class then I will ask for join. :slight_smile:

No problem!

Happy Halloween :jack_o_lantern:

Happy All Hallows Eve to you and yours!

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