With the major changes coming to leveling characters from 10-50 in Shadowlands, we want to make sure that there is a navigational parity among all of the different expansions you can choose while questing. In the next version of the Shadowlands Alpha that will appear this week, testers are going to see an intentional change coming to Shadowlands for a couple of older Pathfinder achievements.
Specifically, the flight training rewards from Draenor Pathfinder and Broken Isles Pathfinder, Part Two will no longer be required for flying in Draenor or Broken Isles content. These will now be granted at level 30 with expert flying.
The achievements will remain in place as before, and Draenor Pathfinder will still be the way to earn the Soaring Skyterror mount, while Broken Isles Pathfinder, Part One will continue to reward increased mount speed in the Broken Isles.
how long before the pathfinder supporters start claiming Blizzard is once again knuckling under to whiners rather than admit the company is starting to finally understand that pathfinder is one of the main reasons so many players have left WoW in the first place and theyre now starting to realize how big a mistake they made and this is the first step to pathfinders removal and flight for gold will be returning
Yeah Id like to hope so. There are many other systems they could do instead that would be cooler then Pathfinder. Pathfinder just feels bad to have to go out of your way to complete and such. That and imo its just boring
Still think you should add WoD to rep buff. Heck even MORE of a reason now. Because you’re giving away flying anyways, might as well give it away sooner.
Plus lots of rep grinds in wod that literally just involved boring mob grinding, so help people out will ya
Special editions, just because those celebrations also gave us Courscant, Tattooine, and Naboo celebrations.
Seriously Blizzard, remove pathfinder and combined with all the other good press Shadowlands is getting, you will sell a hundred million copies…okay maybe not that many, but yeah.
I don’t support PF, but I’m not exactly against it either.
This particular case of PF removal is clearly because Draenor and Broken Isles are solidly old hat at this point. This is pretty consistent with the devs’ approach to flight with the current expansion, with it being made made available at a point when everybody has already worn out the expansion’s flagship landmass and the only ones flying around are farmers and alts.
I wouldn’t bet on PF being removed entirely in the current xpac. It’s more likely going to be earned some other way such as an expansion specific currency so AH goblins and people willing to dump cash on tokens don’t have an advantage.