Pathfinder to uninstallation

playing the gamein a very specific and narrow way repeatedly then waiting for Blizzard to decide you get the reward you’ve earned.

Fixed that for you.


If you honestly want to fly, now is your chance to do it.

I got all the rep I needed in literally a few days. And enjoyed it too.

There are no more excuses.


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You are a Vulpera, therefore you shouldn’t talk.

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You’re an outdated race that Alliance now has.

Your jealousy is seething and enough has been said.


Did people not know that Part II is being removed for WoD and Legion? No word on Shadowlands but I can see it being a thing.

Yea, I did the same, it took a promotional event they have never done before just to get me to come back because the idea of grinding out unshackeled and rustbolt rep to fly was nauseating.

I’m glad I can fly now, making my life of leveling alts for shadowlands a lot easier but I could have been doing that a year ago if we didn’t have this silly time gate.

Honestly i’m surprised there aren’t threads whining about it being easy to grind out the rep now when people had to grind it out before the rep buff.


its just proof blizzard listens to the cry babies to make the game more easier.

Tell me. What’s difficult about PF?

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nothing at all, just people to lazy to do the work which makes me wonder if they cry to there work bosses sorry boss this work is to hard for me so im not going to do it.

So PF is just busy work? To prove what exactly?


Pathfinder should not be a grind. It should simply unlock when you complete all the 1-off campaign quests.

What makes me mad is when we have to do 2 or 3 weeks of repetitive daily quests that feel like work, not fun. That’s where I vote against Pathfinder.



There was a young Rogue named Bates.

Who danced around Goldshire on skates.

But a fall on his cutlass

Has rendered him nutless,

And practically useless on dates.


Pathfinder doesn’t take too much, not even skill. Just complete the questlines, explore around the zones, get reps up to revered (not even exalted), do 100 world quests (something you’ll already do while getting the rep) and just a long wait in between part 1 and 2 (That part, you don’t do anymore until the next one at launch).

Xbox is still around? And Xbox is instant gratification now? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

What work? There’s no skill involved in pathfinder.

Part 1 is mostly completed by leveling and actually playing the game on launch(rep from questing, exploring zones, finishing stories, this is pretty much all of part 1) and when you have done all that it’s a waiting game for no reason until they drop part 2 and now its sitting there in front of you with nothing but repetition in the form of world content.

Make it so you have to do every current raid in LFR(or normal idc) or something else that’s not just grind and wait.

This has been asked already but I’m curious…

Your stuff?

There’s really only two problems with the concept of pathfinder

  1. The end goal (flight) is not able to be completed on launch. I think that’s just shoddy design, I don’t really mind not flying to be perfectly honest. If Blizzard had stayed the course on flight removal I don’t think I’d be here expressing that flight should be brought back. That being said I take issue with the fact that the end-goal of pathfinder is gated behind Blizzard’s schedule rather than the player’s. It honestly makes the achievement feel cheapened because one day no one can fly and then the next day everyone and their mother is.

  2. It doesn’t age well, thankfully they seem to have acknowledged that for past expansions. Even in current expansions it becomes a bit daunting to come into it partway through and have to do ALL the things and I don’t think a lot of players appreciate what happens to new/returning players who get hit in the face with 10 million things to do. I think in a way this is ok though since they are allowing past pathfinders to be purchasable.

As I side note I continue to throw out that on top of pathfinder actually being able to be completed on expansion launch I feel like they could get creative with allowing people to purchase flight from day one (at a pretty steep price) and reduce the cost as they complete the achievement (down to free if they do it all). Poor players would have to drudge through it all, the one percent could dump gold into flying right away, and middle ground (or just cheap) players would complete some or all of the achievement.

The people who play the game normally, usually play towards a goal. Once they get that goal, they may choose to move on to something else. But to quit doing WQs once they got flight didn’t happen. I still do WQs for the emissaries and to get the rep rewards.

Flight has never been an issue when you just play the game. If all you’re after is m+, raid gear, then you probably don’t need flight. With the end of the expac coming later this year, why even stress about it if you’re not interested.

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See you next week

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You don’t need Pathfinder. You clearly don’t like grinding so you won’t be farming mats, the only reason anyone would need it.

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