Blazing Hippogryph Twitch Drop Not Dropping into my Journal

Merry Meet,
Today about 9:30 am I claimed the Blazing Hippogryph mount from
Now the mount doesn’t even have a place in the mount journal that I can find for it to drop into.

Well I’m now finding an error in the connections part of my account even though my account is popperly connected to Twitch enough to aquire the Etherial Portal just 7 days prior.

The Error looks like this



This server error seems to be preventing people from receiving the twitch mount drop. Seems to be an error with the connected accounts server

This is happening to me also

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Getting the same exact error here too, despite everything being properly linked and no issues collecting prior Twitch rewards for WoW. Hopefully we can get our mounts soon!

Update: Just a few minutes ago while I was in game, I saw a popup saying I’d obtained the hippogryph and it was ready to unwrap in the mount journal. I did not have to log out or back in, it just popped up. I still see that error on the “Connections” page of the website under Account Settings but I still got the mount finally. So hopefully everyone else who is waiting will get theirs soon too!

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Consider yourself one of the lucky ones based on how long ago you made this post it looks like you got yours just before the server error we mentioned started.

Basically people that claimed theirs after the server error started are the ones who are probably not going to receive their mount till its fixed. If it’s related but I really think a blue should come in and confirm or deny that said this point

With that said I’m a firm believer of where there’s smoke there’s fire and we definitely got smoke

Commenting here just like in every other topic just to say that it’s also happening to me. ~30 hours ago I claimed on Twitch and still nothing.

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Thanks for contributing the more people comment the quicker this issue will get fixed this thread really needs to blow up for it to get fixed quickly otherwise it’s probably going to be a few days and then we will see a blue post about it linked on the MMO Champion

same thing in my case, dude, and i claimed my mount drop at around 3:55 pm cst, YESTERDAY! and yet, STILL no hippogryph! when the frag is this stupid error gonna get fixed, huh? i tuned in to a drops-enabled WoW twitch stream for the FULL FOUR HOURS i want my muthafraggin’ hippogryph mount, for Thrall’s sake! it was working just fine, last week when i got my ethereal portal! so why is it not working for the fricking hippogryph?! i don’t care if it’s blizzard’s end, twitch’s end OR some “middleman server”, GIVE US OUR MOUNTS!

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Hey all,

We’re aware of this issue with claiming the Blazing Hippogryph through Twitch and our engineers are investigating it. Thank you for the screenshot of the server error as well, that is part of the investigation.

If you haven’t already please submit a ticket stating that you claimed it but haven’t received it.


Thanks for the update Jambrix just to add some information for your Engineers the issue is most likely related to the server issue going on

Grimoire putting in the work :smiley:

Hope we get it sorted soon brother!


I can’t Report the Problem

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Many of us effect cant. Go to your account page. You will see you cant even view your active sub. Says Server Error.

They probably realized this is a bigger issue than they thought and had to take some servers offline

I am unable to find the Blazing Hippogryph in my mounts tab after claiming it over 24 hours ago. I checked my connections, and I can see them just fine, my Twitch account is showing connected, but I still haven’t received it in game. So it seems this is not just limited to the connected accounts issues some people are having. And I have submitted a ticket for this now. And I included a screenshot showing it collected on Twitch. Hope that helps.

Still haven’t received mine. I claimed it over 24 hours ago and still nothing.

same here mine been like 7 hours

Has been 24 hours and no mount yet :frowning:

Been over 24 hours for me now. I swear blizz is just ignoring it. Crazy how it worked for almost everyone but the people who did it today or yesterday…. It’s really stressing me out and I’ll never ever do another twitch drop. 4 hours I’ll never get back.

Crazy it’s been several hours and nothing has been done.

Mine is in my account now. Closed my ticket without getting a response.

Grimmy, any luck on your end?