Connections Server Error Twitch Drop Mount?

In the effort to find a cause to the lack of delivery of the Twitch Mount Drop, there are a few of us that have gone into our connections are of our blizzard and twitch accounts to make sure that the connections are functional, and while the connections list itself says that all is well, at the top of the blizzard account connections page is the following error:

"Server Error

We couldn’t retrieve some of your information. Please try again in a few minutes."

We were told to report this to the Technical Support and Bug forums, but I felt it was a bit bigger than a bug, so this is where I am posting.


This server error seems to be preventing people from receiving the twitch mount drop. Seems to be an error with the connected accounts server


I am also having the same issue.


I have looked further down the Connections page to find that the Authorized Applications area is in a constant loading state, and I don’t recall what it is supposed to look like normally, but I wonder if that is related to the Server Error?


i’m having the same issue as well. when the frag is blizzard gonna get off their rumps and fix this issue? i did my 4 hours of watching a twitch stream, i want my fraggin’ hippogryph mount!

This is just a theory but it’s a highly probable Theory

If the server that is down is indeed the middleman server that talks to the twitch servers and other third-party servers?

Then basically anyone who claimed the mount before the error started will receive their amount but most likely with the delay which is exactly what’s happening

However those who claimed it on Twitch after the error started will not receive it until the error is fixed

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