Not getting twitch drops

Is anyone having issues with getting there twitch drops or still waiting. I got the last drop the toy before the blazing. But i never got the disco ball it says its claimed my account is connected. I have gotten items in the past just been having trouble with certain ones like i claimed the the newest one the mount but i havent got it yet i know it takes time sometimes for it to go through. What has anyone one done if you havent got past ones that you already claimed.

I got the hearthstone but not the bird

So I’m not worried, itll show up eventually

I just didnt know if we need to contact someone. I mean we put those hours in to get those drops i just would like to get it for doing the time.

You might want to check this page just in case any of it applies to you.

Blizzard Support - Didn’t Receive World of Warcraft Twitch Drops (

Has it been twenty four hours?

If not just check tomorrow

Blizzard is actually aware of the issue and working on figuring out what’s going on. Some people are able to claim it fine, while for others, the item(s) are not showing up in-game.

They have asked that players would were able to claim the reward on Twitch but not in WoW put in a ticket.

I’d recommend the following option:

You will likely get an automated reply for the first reply, but feel free to re-open it for more assistance. Last I saw, they told someone to give it 72 hours to see if it shows up. My guess is that’s so that they have time to work on it. But I’d still open the ticket.

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ya like i said i still havent got the disco twitch drop from last month

Just to be clear, the issue that they’re working on seems to be a very recent one. If you haven’t received previous drops, then you might have something else going on. Double-check that your accounts (WoW and Twitch) are properly linked because that is the most likely issue of not getting the in-game rewards on the WoW side.

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Also i was about to put in a ticket and one thing in game forum says is customer service cant grant twitch drops so whats the point in putting a ticket in. How do expect us to get it if the system is not worklng correctly they should grant it. I mean i feel like i wasted 4 hours of time just to get nothing. My account is linked right why would i get most of my drops a select few i havent its something on there end not me.

This is something separate that Blizz has actually requested that people in your situation do right now, for this particular issue.

There’s a Blue post in the Tech Support forum for it.

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Awesome, this is what I was looking for. Thank you

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Where is this blue post requesting it I don’t see it

Here you go:

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But this for the mount I saw something that the previous ones they couldn’t give them to you even though you claimed them