Blazing Hippogryph Twitch Drop Not Dropping into my Journal

Nope. Nada.

At like 48 hours now.

That sucks bro. I really hope youā€™ll get it soon :confused: Youā€™re literally the only person I care about getting it now xD

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Not Holding my Breath. Im not expecting to ever get it at this point. Its not something I bought soā€¦

I believe this is what theyā€™re doing now, asking people to submit a ticket and then going through them all to correct the issue. Im nearing 48 hours also and I also submitted a ticket, and within a few hours they closed the ticket without giving a response. But, still no mount. So Iā€™m just holding out hope that theyā€™re adding everyones account/twitch names to a list to go through and try to correct. It seems like a bunch of people are in the same situation, where they got a ticket closed and ā€˜solvedā€™ but they still donā€™t have the mount.


I finally got a ticket submitted about this issue. Maybe itā€™s just me since this is the first time Iā€™ve had a problem with my twitch drops but it isnā€™t very easy to submit a ticket to them.

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i claimed my mount, wednesday, submitted a ticket, yesterday, and still no response or mountā€¦ i earned my hippogryph, fair and square, Blizzard, GIVE ME MY FRAGGINā€™ MOUNT!!!


I put a ticket in 24 hours after I claimed the drop, which was 48 hours ago. This is what I see on my ticket history:

This is a big problem. Tickets being submitted and then all traces of them are vanishing. Iā€™m not saying this is a nefarious happening, but itā€™s definitely not a good look.


Especially because itā€™s a limited time itemā€¦

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I entered a ticket. I completed the hippogryph drop 2 days ago and its a no show in my account. Not sure if how the ticket gets sent out since Iā€™ve not entered one from the website beforeā€¦ it did not end with ā€˜send ticketā€™ optionā€¦ just asked if I had another issueā€¦ soā€¦ just documenting it here too.

The link provided to enter a ticket doesnā€™t allow you to enter a ticket. Itā€™s just a loop where it asks you what the problem is, provides a non-solution, and allows you to go through the loop again.

There is no option to submit a ticket.

Blizzard Support - Contact Support ( - Twitch drop problems

My ticket was closed. About 20min after that I got the notification in game. I unwrapped the mount 30min ago.

My Guess is they are leaving these tickets open for the effected people as a way to track it. Once resolved they close the ticket?

Just a theory. All in all it took 75 hours to get it

I checked when I got home from work about an hour ago and the mount was waiting in my collections for me. I went ahead and cancelled my ticket since I had the mount so that maybe it might help someone else get theirs a bit sooner.


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