Twitch drop was 100% waste of time. Over 24 hours never got a mount

This is exactly why I don’t participate in twitch drops. I watched 4 hours. The gift is on my twitch. Battle net is connected. What the heck is going on? Why did it work so smoothly for everyone at first then all the sudden magically yesterday and today it doesn’t work. Very sketchy. I absolutely refuse to watch 4 more hours. I already watched 4. Why is this happening? Seems to me like blizz is going to make us watch 4 more hours and that’s not going to happen. I seen them post 1-2 times today about this topic that’s it. Never said if it will be fixed. Never said what the issue is. We have just been left in the dust. Just wish something on this game for once would go 100% smooth. It’s crazy to even have an issue with this…. Thought you have been doing twitch drops for a while now….

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Best to maybe mentioned you never got your drop in here

You’re not going to find answers here in GD.

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People are posting everywhere. They aren’t doing anything about it. They knew this morning yet have done nothing to fix it.

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It’ll probably just take a while. Took me like a month to get the fel drake, but I did eventually get it.


The 3rd party company that handles the the transfer of info from twitch too blizzard had issues yesterday …it was reported here in another thread about it.


That’s plenty of time for them to fix it or make a new post about it. But they haven’t. They only talked about it this morning it has not been mentioned since besides others like me with this issue. Yeah and if that issue makes us have to watch the 4 hours again I’m not doing it. This is why I don’t do twitch drops. It’s sketchy. Some Bs on this game always happens to me. I should have known this would be an issue. Everything on this game has been a issue lately.

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The boomer energy is off the charts.


There’s a blue post about it in Tech Support.


You know there has been quite a few players complain of not getting their loot only to find out later on they made the huge mistake of muting the stream not the browser tab which shut them out of getting the drops…or their accounts were not connected correctly…you have had enough warnings of new loot drops to make sure your accounts are set up correctly to get the drops…it doesn’t take a rocket Scientist to figure it out.

And most times reports of issue are not listed in these forums anymore which I think is wrong but they are listed on Twitter now…I don’t agree with that but can’t fight a losing battle over where Blizzard CM’s post now.


Did you claim the reward on Twitch?

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Yeah it’s claimed on the rewards page and battle net is for sure linked .

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are you expecting a magic fix?

they need to figure out what happened, and how to fix it.

i’ve waited over 48 hours, and don’t feel the need to launch into a melt-down over it.

get a grip.

whatever is going wrong, went wrong prior to yesterday (unless earlier claims were stuck in a back-log)


I got my notice at the 4 hour mark, followed the link to claim it, logged on and opened my mount tab and there it was to unwrap. First time a drop has worked that fast for me. The first few drops took a few days.

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What’s interesting as Blizzard doing stuff like this violates some of their own policies but they’ll ignore that. (Advertisements, and really it’s giving people money via ads so a bit of RMT for ‘drops enabled’ streams.)


Got mine finally. Took like 24+ hours. Kinda ugly mount though, ahah.


Yeah Nobully many players today don’t care it might take some time to figure out what happen …many of today’s players think everything can be fixed at the snap of their fingers.

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It was something else that went wrong and was reported here on the forums…from a 3rd party that helps with moving the info from one to the other is my understanding.

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well hopefully it gets sorted eventually.

i’ll never ride it, it’s just a +1, but these twitch drops have been trouble right from the start.
this is the first time I’ve been impacted by the issues, all my previous drops have gone through without a hitch.

…but watching other peoples frustration over the continued lack of support when both companies play hand-ball and blame each other, is pretty disheartening.

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If the twitch drop screen is showing you have watched the full four hours then you don’t need to. Sometimes there is a delay in stuff coming through. But if need be you can also raise a ticket or post on the customer support forum. Because yeah, some stuff does just never arrive. One of the previous ones never showed up for me. But it wasn’t a mount, so I didn’t care or follow up on it.

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