“Maybe you don’t have a good enough PC to know what good graphics is”
I mean I have a $3400 Alienware ALX that’s less than a year old, w/GTX 2080. Pretty sure that qualifies as a good PC.
“I’m genuinely confused on why you decided to crank down the saturation for the 2019 beta”
A simple experiment to show the “realistic atmosphere” people were complaining about was nothing more than a simple adjustment to contrast and saturation…
“In fact the screenshot for 2018 looks way better”
The only thing I see that’s different aside from the thick layer of grey smog covering everything, are the aggressive “shadow puppets” being casted on the terrain by every object on the screen.
This discussion has already taken place a few times. We realize you spergs love the RTX shadows that nobody who plays multiplayer in their right mind would want to look at for more than 5 minutes…
We get it though, graphics look better as you make things more realistic, the problem is where realism gets in the way of game play, and for multiplayer, literally every unit on the screen casting black shadows onto everything is something people think they want, but they don’t…
Just look at the Unreal Engine video a few people posted. Like 60% of the objects on the screen are covered in complete darkness, 100% BLACK shadows.
Looks cool? Yeah… for sure. Would anyone want to play a multiplayer RTS like this? No…
It’s easy to look at still shots and point out what looks better, it’s harder to watch a video of both, side by side, and accept the reality that games are more fun when you don’t have 600 environmental effects on the screen, all moving around, drawing your eye away from what’s actually important.