As someone who’s been playing WC3 for over a decade and an active member of the map making community and I beg blizzard not to listen to the vocal minority who have been constantly complaining about the Reforged art style. These people claim they speak on behalf of the Warcraft 3 community but they do not.
The majority of them appear to be asking for more cartoony, lower quality art assets, they want WC3 to look like a clone of HOTS or every other cartoony game we get for $15 off Steam nowadays… I’m shocked these people are actually asking for LOWER QUALITY models. It makes zero sense and really demonstrates the blind nostalgia some people are falling for.
The short stumpy models worked fine back in 2002 but this is 2018 and being able to create wonderful, HD Warcraft Maps is a dream come true for most editors. We us those gorgeous, detailed models in all their glory!
Half the complaints are just nit-picking and baseless anyway; “Spell Breakers Helmet is the wrong shape”, “Jaina’s boobs are too big”, one guy even complained the metal is too “shiny”…
Blizzard, the art style you’ve chosen is perfect! We want epic looking, glorious battles in full detail not “Warcraft: Whimsyshire”.