Incorrect Ranking S4 + Permanent Bronze 5

this has been happening since release. I managed to get to Gold 5 once and deranked thanks to a bunch of disconnections that had nothing to do with me. But I still played since I already went to gold 5, I can do that again but no, no matter what I do, I can’t rank up. I play with old overwatch players that are in Diamond and Masters and they say I belong in Gold. But now I’m stuck in bronze 2, I diff support most of the time since I clearly shouldn’t be in bronze but I don’t get any rank updates.


It baffles me that this is such a common problem… i just ran into the problem myself getting me insanely demoralised, cause i thought i was to terrible to rank up. later that week i played 4 rank-ups, 2 of them 5-0 win ratio and i still stuck at bronze 5 support without any remorse. i would love to see this problem fixed cause i seriously dont see the reason wasting my time playing ranked, just to get kicked in the shin back to back without any satisfaction about the hard work i put in… my sincere condolences to all suffering from the same problem.


I am in the same boat. Started a new account half way through S3. When i did my placement, got placed at Silver 1. A bad string of games (solo queing) later, i ended the season at bronze 3. S4 comes around and i start at Bronze 5. Just did 3 rank cycles and went 15-5 and didnt move at all. I dps main and hover around 14k damage. Im not saying i should be in GM or anything but damn sure shouldnt be at bronze 5. Ive played with GMs and a couple top500 players and they all say that i should, at the very least, be mid to high gold

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Yeah exactly the same here, im done with the game for now until it gets fixed but it doesnt seem to be a priority for Blizz.


This is a bug I played 5 games 5 wins 0 losses average damage per 10 min - 12000, kills per death 26 - Bronze 5! Welcome to mars! Repeated it again - bronze 5 again! and one more time! 100% winrate - bronza 5!!!

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I posted this in another related thread that was open here (Possible Ranking Bug) I went 5 wins 4 losses and went Bronze 4 to 5 in this video:
2023 04 15 14 13 17 - YouTube
After this I played another 8 games and won 5, lost 3, but was still stuck Bronze 5.

I really don’t know where I belong in rankings, but it feels like reading tea leaves to understand the system. It seems that if I’m coming out of games with usually a 3:1 or better KD and well over 50% wins to losses that I should be ranking up. Instead of a transparent system where I can understand what I need to do to climb ranks, it’s a black box where I have to wonder whether I’m truly this bad or affected by a bug. I play QP with diamond players daily who seem fairly confused as to my bronze 5 rating in DPS.

I pulled the data from Blizzard using their request option and a lot of my recent games say INVALID under the Leaderboard Region column, and there’s no data under any of the columns like the characters I picked or my role. They’re in slots between games which have epoch timestamps around the time I was deranking with a positive winrate. No idea if this is a factor, but it sure seems like weird data and adds to the confusion. Maybe there’s a bug where these games are being counted as losses when they shouldn’t?

As a side note, I’ve had no problem climbing the ranks in support, but DPS seems to be a downward trajectory no matter what I do.


Now do 2 more splits with 5-0. It took me maximum of 4 splits (20-0).
Bronze rank in ow1 was 0-1499 SR - that is an issue + bottom500 below there.
Other ranks are like 500 SR width compared to 1000-1500 in bronze5 which is comparable to 10-15 divisions. So you basically need to up 3 ranks instead of 1 as you think (depending on how deep your MMR was set after derank or whatever brought you there)

I did this my new account ranked gold. It’s a bug shut your pie hole.


Ranked gold? How is that bronze5 then? What’s your peak?

I was silver on my main account s2 for seasons 1 and 2, I’ve been playing on the account since ow 1 release. for season 3 I played with some friends who are newer in the game and are correctly placed bronze so I ended on bronze with them because I only played with them all season. This season the rank adjustment put me in bronze 5 and no amount of solo play will let me out. So I made a new account after day 2 of this season because I was so frustrated knowing how hard it would be to climb out ontop of what I feel is an incorrect placement and it placed me gold 4 I did this just to satisfy myself that it’s the game and not me before posting on the forums, because of trolls like you telling people it’s skill. I don’t need to prove anything to anyone. And neither do you. Let people report this so the devs take a look and be KIND to people it’s literally telling people in bronze 5 that their Sr is 0 after 5 wins 0 losses.


Now listen to me carefully, more carefully than you read before if you ever did.
I am not here to troll and tell skill issue unless it is the actual case, which is the case most of the time.
Bronze5 is 10-15 divisions wide as if we were playing back in ow1. There were bottom500+1499 SR to get to silver. Part of that SR is bronze5 which is about 10-15 divisions as if you need to rank up 3 ranks instead of 1. You do 2–4 splits of 5-0’s depending on your performance and then you climb.
New accounts have initial rank boost depending on win rate. That is not a case for hardstuck accounts which is your main. So there is nothing to satisfy about, what you did is just self-deception (created new account got to gold). The more hardstuck your account the more flawless wins it requires. And no matter what devs lying us about performance takes no effect, you may not play mercy there to climb effectively. You need to pick high-performance aim demanding characters and do damage, kills and so on.
Bronze5 is deep, it took me 20-0 on one account and 15-0 on another to climb out and I am gm1 on support.
Your excuses accepted.

No no, you need to read carefully. The start of this season under your “new rank” it says something like you are in the top 3/rd of this rank bracket etc. A lot of people in bronze 5 are getting a bug where it says you are at the minimum value for this rank meaning their Sr is at 0 enough people have pulled their Sr to find out. They have also openly acknowledged that some people were ranked too low. Why is it hard for you to believe that there is also a flaw now allowing people to accumulate any Sr in bronze 5 like initial launch which is a verified issue the game had and took what 2 months to fix? There is a big effecting accounts right now where people cannot gain Sr in bronze 5 and by the sounds of this op post possibly people out of bronze 5 as well who seemingly can only loose Sr and not gain which is why they all keep steadily dropping then joining people already placed at minimum value bronze 5. It’s not about my one account being hard stuck, I know how to get out I did it in season one I switched from mercy to moria/Lucio and got to silver, played silver s2 on mercy, I know how to climb, it’s still frustrating. And the fact is you can’t right now, if your account is experiencing this bug.


Because I know what’s the issue and I fixed it multiple times.

This is the same as saying bronze5 it determines nothing, it is made for ppl who can’t count and understand simple logic. At bronze 4 it will say you are at 20-25% above the ppl in a certain RANK. So it is useless information.

Yes it is, but you are still able to climb out of there with a bit more effort and believe. Moira and lucio are not the best choice still. Bap/Zen/Ana/Kiri will do. What is frustrating for me that ppl just give up and call it a bug. These devs can confirm anything but they don’t know how their game works because they don’t play it, but I do.

I’m getting Comp matches ranked at Bronze 4 and 5 as a Support and there have been some shockingly unbalanced matches where sometimes we roll and sometimes they roll us. I’m wondering if it’s because all these higher level players are accidentally being set lower?


Yep, had the same issue here -_-


Just played another set and had 5 wins with 2 losses. So this is 15 wins, 8 losses and still can’t make it back into Bronze 4 despite having just deranked. 2023 04 16 17 56 44 - YouTube

Maybe this is some weird side effect of changes to the ranking system mentioned in the patch notes and eventually I’ll rank back up. I’d just like some assurance that if I keep performing well it will happen eventually, and that I’m not experiencing a bug and wasting my time. I was one of those people who played season 4 in the first hour and I heard there was some kind of rank decay bug affecting those players, but as far as I know that should resolve after winning 5 games.

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I pulled my Blizzard data but there’s nothing I see for SR. I heard that they removed it, but either way I can’t find it. I do have the “INVALID” matches I mentioned in my previous post though.

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Customer support can give it to you on request.

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Im having the same issue currently, I was silver 3 on support at the end of last season, had a rank sess where I went 3/5, which, I expected to rank down but I didn’t expect to be put all the way back down to bronze 5. Didn’t think much because it didn’t take me long to get out of bronze, but after like 5 reranks, I’m still bronze. My last two reranks, 2/5 lost, 1/5 I lost, I won 10 games, lost 3, still in bronze 5. No movement in either rerank. Said I’m at minimum value for this said rank. I’m fairly new to playing overwatch in general, I started last season, so, I thought maybe that was the problem? But seems people who have played longer than I have + higher ranked than I was, are also having the same issue. My DPS & tank roles don’t have the same issue as my support, I can rank up on both. I’ve just stopped playing support role which sucks because I enjoy it, but no point if I’m getting nothing rewarding for my work.


I thought this is something wrong with my account, but, perhaps, I’m not alone :slight_smile: I had silver 1, at the start of the season - platinum 5. I’ve got 7 reranks and only gold 1 or 2, and, in addition, only platinum 5 or 4.