A fair warning to the parody post people

This is the original version of this post. And I am well aware people have made parodies of it

Making parody posts is how many favorited forum users have gotten suspended or perma’d. So please be careful.

The rule of thumb is that if you think it will be bad, It probably is.

What I'm referring to

ENOUGH! Stop coming fourth
Forumers, come forth
Hit-Scan players, come forth
Junkrat players, come forth
Overwatch Players, Come Forth
Lucio players, come forth
Symmetra players, come forth
Ashe players, come forth
Sombra players, come forth
Reinhardt players, come forth
Rein players, come forth
Doom Players, Come Forth

Original post:


yea im guessing people are bored. i know i am. sorry if i broke the rules


also posting on these forums is addicting. i might have to get myself checked

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I eat the rules for breakfast and I’m coming fourth.

No fun allowed on these forums.

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Actually, these forums are pretty lenient. I wouldn’t say “no fun allowed”.


I cant reply with examples to that without breaking the rules about discussing bans :man_shrugging:

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They’re not even funny. They’re just annoying spam posts that make the official forums look even more like an unofficial ow player diary that the devs never bother to check lol


Which is why they almost never check it now.

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Now that, I can agree with. Copypasta threads are just annoying imo


I think 2-3 copypastas is tolerable, but after the 5th one, it needs to stop.

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It’s all nani’s fault. He dropped the bomb and left.

A fair warning to the parody post people - General Discussion - Overwatch Forums (blizzard.com)


Jesus Christ. I don’t think these forums can take anymore snuggies to the feet or jars of skunk piss to the face.

What is going on here??? I’m so confused

Actually, these forums are pretty lenient. I wouldn’t say “no fun allowed”.

Sure they start as a parody, but a lot of them end up becoming genuine discussion. For example, the last parody thread I made (before this one) had actual discussion and the mods restored the flags and let discussion continue.

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I was legit wanting a civilized discussion for all genji players and this came out of nowhere. Ive been memed :upside_down_face: :skull:

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HAHAHAHA gottem my dude, even I memed and made a parody version myself