Hit-Scan players, come forth

yea i know we are hated for being in the meta for so long and that people say we should go back to playing COD or some other fps game.

but what is your favotire hit-scan hero. currently ashe is my go to hitscan. it use to be widowmaker but the nerf charge bugged me and now that she has lower health and can die by getting sneezed on i stopped playing her as much as i use too. it is understandable and fair so im not arguing that point. i’m just not good enough to make her work outside of long site-line maps

i like playing soldier 76 from time to time and he is prety strong right now i would say he has always been the most balanced hero in the game. maybe at one point he dipped into the weak category but now he is pretty good and a good pick especially if there is a echo or pharah on the enemy team

i hardly play mccree but i feel that i should since this would be the best time. i have the feeling he might get taken down a notch soon so maybe i should start playing him to take advantage of the flash-fan the hammer tactic

tracer i use to play her at launch more than i do now, i think she was stronger at the time. my record for most kills in a competitive match is 72 and i got it with tracer. no way could i do that now lmao i think shes a bit weaker and im rusty as hell with her


I like Bastion. It’s not really playable in the current version of the game but the concept of a hit scan who counters all or at least most hit scans while being weak to projectile is very cool and funny as it kinds of flip the normal direction.

Not to mention a shield counter is always a blessing in a game where shields dominate, or at least used to before they throw the role into the fire because of bad balancing…

dam i forgot about bastion lol

I don’t hate hitscans. I hate toxic people behind hitscans though. With that mindset “AIM = SKILL THEREFORE IM BETTER THAN EVERYONE BECAUSE I PLAY ASHE/MCCREE/WIDOWMAKER” or whoever it is. Those people are nothing but clowns to me. Not even clowns they are he whole circus.


People always do :frowning_face: The hero isn’t even that bad, its synergies are just F tier and its configuration casting time is pretty much what killed the character…

F for poor Bastion-54

i think thats mostly biased people who only play one role or look down upon others. i play dps mainly hit-scan but i play a lot of support as well. those skills transition since yea when im healer i know what the enemy widow is thinking

i HARDLY die to widow maker at all, unless an insanely good one that shoots in the tiniest cracks possible. experiencing something translates to having more gamesense knowledge. heroes im weak against are heroes i never played. like thats probably why roadhog kills me so much i never play him lol. or a doomfist player. if i knew/experienced all his techs i would know where he is coming from

tanks are another story, i do play them but im still a novice. a big one too lol rein and d.va are the only tanks i play. lately only reason i play them are for priority passes so nope im not a tank guy

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That’s why I always suggest folks to play with more heroes even if they want be a main in one. Folks with main get a nice learning curve at beginning but if they don’t get used to the other heroes mechannics their growth will stop after they reach the hero potential. Because knowing a hero it’s easy, knowing their interactions(mostly whar others can do to you) with others are not.

I’ve been playing widow recently and I’ve been enjoiying it.

i still do too especially on havana.

if its havana im going widow im just rusty i do have some good matches but not like i use too lol. havana is my favorite map but i know how unpopular that is hehehe

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Absolutely love this post (I am a hitscan player) and I play hanzo, sombra, soldier, tracer, and sometimes ashe / echo (not hitscan, but close)

Torb :no_mouth: he isn’t a hitscan but my god he sure is one sexy man.

I like me some Widow, McCree and Soldier (with Zen/ and Bap on Support).

For the most part the widow health nerf hasn’t effected most match ups for other than the major one with Ball. With other chars I often can get away with a sliver of hp and the healers keep me up. With Ball’s primary having such long range and his smash smash+slam combo wiping out all the health it’s essentially death >_>

I hate Ashe ಠ_ಠ compared to McCree/Widow it feels like she has too much going for her with a powerful ranged and close attack plus her useful abilities. She loses at far or melee/close range of course, but when most of the game is played at mid… >_> being on fire is tedious.

nothing more fun then sniping noobs

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And the forums are filled with people who think hitscan is ez, point and click lul. So I guess it goes both ways.

Honestly I’ll take hitscan metas over dying to random projectile spam any-day

I loathe Hanzo so much, I can’t stand dying to random arrows without even getting a chance to react

But favourite hitscan? Sombra without a doubt

i got into an argument with this player one time about ana being a hit-scan or projectile player. he was adamant that ana was a projecile player and im like no… she isnt she scopes and can hipfire her gun… so hitscan? he was like her sleep dart is a projectile so she isnt a true hit-scan

was a strange argument

For someone with a ton of hitscan time on literally literally all the good ones, I really don’t know, and not entirely in the good way. Feels like high gamesense tactical hitscan DPS play is less and less of a thing in OW and I typically use Siege to scratch that itch. Ana and 76 come the closest, so they are, unsurprisingly, my mains, but they’re both projectile enough that I lowkey facepalm at all the projectile v hitscan fights