Junkrat players, come forth

My fellow Junkrat players demoman mains. Be honest. What do you want for our favorite rat? Would love to hear each of your inputs.


I want my favourite rat to be deleted from the game (:


I hope your favorite rat is Hammond


Who knows (:

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But im trapped. I can’t come fourth.


He’s pretty much balanced… Just need a proper synergy considering his best synergies like Orisa or Symmetra are pretty dead… Would love to see new poke tanks.

The only change I would give him is increasing steal trap radius from 1 meter to 2 meters or at least 1.5 meters. The trap feels a bit too small especially when considering the hero supposed to counter stuff like Tracer or Winston. Would gladly make it bigger in order to force enemies to step on it or destroy it.
but not too big in order not to make it too obvious so players will easily spot it.


For Orisa to come back.

For some ranged hitscans to get toned down a little.

For maps like Havana to just go away and never return.

Overall he’s pretty balanced and would be absolutely perfect if a few issues with other heroes were fixed. I dont think buffing him is needed or good for him in the long term.

I do think he could be helped by some QOL changes though. Such as fixing various trap bugs, a slight hp increase on his mines so they arent randomly destroyed by aoe, making his mines less “sticky” so they dont accidentally stick to terrain, etc.

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10 higher max damage for mine and 20 higher minimum damage for mine. That’s it. So 50-130 instead of 30-120.

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Just a little grenade hitbox radius buff.


Yes, please, I need my beam fuel

Joking aside, Junkrat is pretty balanced IMO. He could use a few small QoL changes.

I wouldn’t mind extending the trap toss range a bit.


I forgot about demoman. Was he maybe the least played TF class? I mostly remember “only 1 sniper per team” servers because that’s all anyone wanted to do.

Trap to have vertical trigger buff increase so Tracer/Genji just can’t dash over it.

And hitscans to be nerf.

An update to his Circus skin that turns the concussion mines into cream pies.


Speaking of trap buffs…

For high speed Hammond to not break the trap.


Increasing his HP would be nice since he lacks survivability. (especially if we’re not going to nerf hitscans) I think his kit is balanced otherwise.

I believe Heavy is the least played.

Shield gen

Like ¼ to ½ of his HP to be armour.

More traps. More traps out at once. Make grenades feel better as projectiles because the still feel horrible to shoot. Make traps effective against all mobility abilities.

If the trap doesn’t defeat an ability that moves, change things so it does. Traps give up so much already they should never be defeated by bad movement.

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