Reinhardt players, come forth

My fellow Reinhardt players feeders. Be honest. What do you want for our Big Blue rectangle man? Would love to hear each of your inputs.


Watch me joining the trend and getting flagged because I’m me

I’m always on the role getting 'x diff’ed at the end of the game so don’t worry.


Not sure what could be done to Rein without making him OP.
I used to play him and D.Va quite a bit before changing over to Zarya, Orisa and Sig.
Though I would trade the 10 extra damage per swing to get his shield back to 2000 HP.


I’m interested to hear this. I think Reinhardt needs to be rebalanced in general (as he has key flaws that make him hard to play in high ranks, so they give him unreasonable buffs that make him overwhelming in low ranks).

Also, Reinhardt is obviously very strong on a statistical level, but you can tell by player reports he doesn’t feel good to play, so that’s a problem, too.

Being able to hold up my shield for more than 2 second intervals

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