Sombra players, come forth

My fellow Sombra players Mexicans. Be honest. What do you want for our favorite mexican insivible woman? Would love to hear each of your inputs.

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I want two things: 2 second longer hack duration and a tp recharge on ult or at least a quicker ult cast out of invis/quicker uninvis.

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Pretty much just a bit of help with qol.

  • Adding voice lines for hacked players (for example “cis your resistance” while hacking Orisa or “You’ve fallen into my trap” while hacking Junkrat)
  • Hacked players can now be seen through walls in purple.
  • Hacked players will now have a giant purple skull over their head like the healthpacks.

Another thing that can be nice but not a must.

  • Fit her ammo consumption to her hack duration. if hack is 5 seconds wouldn’t it make more sense to be able to shoot for the whole duration and only reload after it’s over? hack->shoot->translocate+reload.
    A lot of heroes can shoot for more than 3 seconds, idk why she can’t.
    Another option is to to make hack shorter but for shorter cool down but that just sounds like a nerf to me…

She shoots for 3 tho

I think that’s pretty good

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It’s nice… But it just takes away a lot from her hack combo.
Sure she currently gets a lot of value but I just think a hero should stand behind its combo, waisting 1.5 out of the 5 seconds is pretty a lot… and considering she has the upper hand only during hack I think it’s fair to put the power on it but then give her longer reload or even less damage if needed. Although the element of surprise is nice so probably longer reload.

Ahh, so removing the tiny scraps of counter-play the hero had left.

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Just click the head, 4head, it’s not like she instakills you. Her damage sucks, the spread is meh, you can win. Right now Sombra is just clunky at times

Yeah but she already has a long history of patch notes that are “removed counter play and made hero easier without asking for any more skill input of the player.”

Also that works for DPS but we don’t need to make tank players lives any more miserable. Every buff to sombra makes less people want to play tank because she shuts down tanks so brainlessly already.

Her invis should be nerfed, make it not unlimited, maybe for translocater as well

Only reply to me if you get the joke


Can I have better teammates?

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buff base mobility, touch literally nothing else.

buffing hack would turn her into a hackbox, even the ‘buff dmg for only sombra if they’re hacked’ is bad-- because it encourages bad gameplay behaviours.

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That even sombra mains are against because of how dumb it is

Remove infinite stealth noone asked for it


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Idk I’ve never seen a sombra mains ask for reverts to the cast time, or the hack refund. The hack refund being the epitome of, oh did you use your cooldowns in the wrong time or position, it’s ok little baby sombra you can get it back in 2 seconds and try again :’(

Eh sometimes on PowerShifts you see cast time because it’s the healthiest thing to nerf

And if it weren’t for .65s cast time we wouldn’t have dumb LoS checks for 2 years that broke hack by no reason as well as infinite :nauseated_face: stealth

Also that 2s cooldown is enough to stop her and you’d have to buff something to make it longer

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Yeah and then she got “bug fixes” that let her hack around corners.

I think it’s better than “oh I jumped rip hack”

Bias to sombra tho so

Yeah, the games biased to DPS heros in general, Nothing makes that clearer by the fact the sombras hack refund is shorter than Sigmas ability to redeploy his shield.

Revert Stealth

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You make it sound as if sombra was on a good spot and sigma sucked

Sigma sucks tho wrongest nerf I’ve seen in a while

I’m saying if sombra was in what her players would consider “a good spot” the few tank mains left would uninstall.

She needs a Symettra level rework with replaced abilities to both be viable and a healthy addition to the game that doesn’t punish tanks for doing exactly what they are designed to do with such minimal skill or effort.