Forumers, come forth

My fellow Redditors Forumers. Be honest, why is this type of thread being copy + pasted?

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NaniOWO made a thread asking for what changes genji players want. It ended up becoming a copy pasta.


It’s all Nani’s fault. He should be punished severely for this offense.

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Absolutely sickening.

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NaniOWO started it. I’m just continuing it

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I think its because the title seems “forth comming,” and being seen as the way to reduce in discussion having people agains it.
The direct question for certian group of people of your choice about the certian topic.
Tho some probably use it just because few others did.

I like it, it’s pretty much asking the community what would they do for every hero.
But in different posts by different players.

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It’s fun idk
Pls don’t ban lul