Genji Players, Come Forth

My fellow genji players weebs. Be honest. What do you want for our cyborg ninja man? Would love to hear each of your inputs.


30 damage
0.65 firerate
remove deflect changes
remove spread changes
add ult charge nerf

this would make him average and fun to play.

I really really miss him having this…


hellhound whats the main

not every genji players is a weeb

personally I have only watched naruto and my fav characters was prob goku




he pulls out a busty body pillow for his ult. this will fix OW


30 damage
.65 firerate
30% ult rate nerf
deflect revert

the game is in a completely different state than it was in season 23, these changes wouldnt make him an overpowered titan like it did in double shield, it would make him a formidable duelist with plenty of counterplay still readily available through the insane amount of CC and peel options still in the game


Idk, for me he’s one of the more balanced character. all I want for him is just more bursty heroes like Junkrat or Bastion.
And the ones we do have need to be viable.
Orisa & bastion are examples for 2 heroes Genji counters very well but don’t see enough play.

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Revert him to May.


Honestly I think he’s mostly fine, he could use some extra damage on his shurikens but a nerf to his ultimate charge rate, he cant go around having blade every fight. Genji players that want faster fire rate are out of their minds, it makes genji far too easy to play and spammy which eliminates the whole purpose of making him a high skill gap hero.


Nah that happened cause they buffed his spread too much. He can still play at stupid ranges, it’s just that he can’t kill anything.

  • 30 damage shuriken
  • .65 fire rate
  • make dragonblade swipe on both M1 and M2 (I reverse them)
  • wallclimb that actually works
  • revert all deflect changes, including the cancellation, duration, and the hitbox changes because saving your team in a team game is supposed to actually be a thing. Add a large flashy animation for the whiners if needed.
  • revert voice line spam limit to 4 for maximum madamada

id be fine with just the shuriken damage increase and his ult rate being adjusted in tune with that


if we manage to get better fire rate, i’d love for the spread to be increased. because what made genji broken and lower his skill a bit was the spread and deflect changes. on top of the dmg + fire rate he got. if he only gotten these two buffs: Dmg + Fire rate. I can assure you almost every other genji main here and in game would love that version of genji other than the version we have right now. The fire rate wasnt the one that made his skill gap lowered or “spammy”… it was the spread + deflect cancel

  • Shuriken damage increase to 30

  • Secondary fire spread increased to 10

  • Added a 0.25s delay to deflect cancel

  • Added an Obvious sound cue to deflect being canceled

  • Ult damage increased to 125

  • Ult no longer damage boostable (dash still is)

  • Ult cost increased by 20%


Some fun stuff

  • Deflect and melee can now cancel each other out, without a delay
  • Added back ledge dash in a more balanced and consistent form

Revert him to his state in may. That’s literally it.


sweats profoundly

Nanoblade would still be viable, since I increased the damage to 125, just a bit harder to use, as you need to be faster to get that slash dash 200 damage, but that’s the main trade off for a better kit unless you want to make dry blade worse, or increase his base kit by a very small margin, I feel like it is a fair trade off for having more value throughout the whole game.

Deflect changes reverted and .65 recovery speed again.

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the buffed base blade does sound nice, but it still kinda scares me because even though its consistent with 200hp targets, theres still the small margin of error or response where it can still outheal it in that time frame. especially when a hero has armor for instance, it wont get them. It sounds nice but i highly doubt that would happen and prefer the significant ult charge nerf on top of small buffs to his reverts and small tone backs to the buffs he has right now.

As far as you know me and what we’ve both seen in both of our suggestions, you know how I’m all in for taking small steps for buffs and nerfs for genji aside from the ult charge. I just want his ult power to stay the same because i find that balanced itself, doesnt need to be changed. But for more power in base kit, I’d like to see less commonality in ult where he’ll still have the power potential, but it’ll just come in less often to avoid any very quick blades. thats just personally for me because i dont find it fair for an ult combo for genji to be stripped away from that, but every other hero keeps that luxury. I just personally dont want to create any more inconsistencies for genji, while making his kit still useable and not overly oppressive like in june.

I don’t know if this is a personal issue with lag or not (but I am handlined into fiber internet), but it seems that Genji’s hitbox extends the entire length of a dash sometimes. Like the entire dash is one big hitbox for him.
Hell I’ve died at the end point of my dash to a Reinhardt swinging the wrong way.
Also I’ve used deflect (and watch the animation start and it go on cooldown) only for the game to just ignore it and kill me anyways with like a Hanzo or Widow shot.

I play fighting games a lot and my connection is good on that usually, and I don’t know what more I can do on my end.

I want Blizzard to fix his hotbox, or netcode, or priority, or whatever to make these abilities more reliable when I use them. Thats the biggest annoyance to playing his character.

An ammo buff and slight projectile speed buff would also be welcomed so his left click is better at pressuring long range hitscan that is meta. 30 ammo seems like a lot but that actually translates into just 10 mediocre damage shots. Something like 45 seems reasonable.

In return I would accept an ult charge rate nerf.