Rein players, come forth

My fellow rein players leeroy jenkins wannabes. Be honest. What do you want for our big metal hammerman? Would love to hear each of your inputs.

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I want his hammer to have widow range. That is all

Would be more than happy to give up the 85 damage for one of these:

  1. Revert the Rein shatter duration nerf
  2. Buff Lucio’s speed boost

Me too. If they don’t buff Lucio’s speed, buff his movement speed when holding shield

Either that or 40% steadfast, not sure on that

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not a rein player but what i do want is

His hammer dmg back to 75
His shield to be 2000 or 2200 health
His shatter to not gain so fast
His shatter to go back to a 3 second duration
His shield regeneration rate is 4 instead of 5

Bonus 20% move speed and damage when below 150 health because why not

Give hammer a charge up attack (I mean it is a rocket hammer)

more experienced rein players. is it ok to have shield up all the way till it breaks then use cover or is it best to regen from time to time. when im not playing rein i hate it when he decides to unshield at the wierdest times… im waiting for it to break

There are rare times when you let your shield break, but generally that is the sign of a bad rein. When his shield breaks he can’t use it again for 5 s.

Give him back his 2K shield and his shatter, revert the hammer dmg and armor.

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I want a Reinhardt skin where every time he hits someone with his hammer, it makes a BONK sound. Maybe make him the Horny Police.

Rein two-shotting 200 health characters with Mercy damage is too powerful I feel.